Chapter 2

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It had been 3 days since his encounter with Savannah and Namjoon was a bundle of nerves. He couldn't concentrate on anything. He kept staring off into space and the other members began to notice his far off and puppydog looks. Yoongi was the first to reach his limit with Namjoon's behaviour.

"I swear, if you keep fucking zoning out one more time Joon, I'm going to strangle you!" Yoongi screamed.

"I'm sorry Yoongs. I just can't seem to concentrate. Can't we just jam a little later. I have a lot on my mind right now." Namjoon pouted.

Yoongi looked at his friend worriedly. This wasn't normal behaviour from Namjoon. Usually, he'd expect this behaviour from the mochi but he was at a loss on how to handle it from Namjoon.

"Joon, do you want to talk about it?"

Namjoon looked up. He appreciated his friend's concern. He proceeded to fill him in on his said encounter with Savannah and his ensuing cowardice to call her. Yoongi listened attentively and then smacked Namjoon on his back.

"I never thought I'd see the day when the great RM was whipped for someone!!!" He laughed wholeheartedly.

"Well thank you very much Yoongs!"
Namjoon was livid with his friend. He was rolling on the floor in spits of laughter. He went back to brooding,  annoyed with his friend.

Yoongi recovered long enough to apologise and calmly told Namjoon to quit being a sissy and call the girl already. I mean, he had a good enough excuse to call and ask after the stupid mutt.

Namjoon supposed he would muster the courage and call Savannah but only when Yoongi left. He was too irritated with his friend right now.

The phone call

Hi Savannah, it's NJ.
Oh hi! I thought you forgot about Hwan and I.
Oh no! I was just a bit busy, you know. I'm sorry I didn't call sooner.
I'm just kidding NJ. So I guess you're calling to check up on Hwan?
Yeah.  I mean, I was just checking if he's okay and not running off again.

Why am I so nervous? Get it together Joon! (Mentally slaps himself)

He's fine! I had him have a check up and I take him for regular walks since his folks can't as their too old. Apparently, he was a gift from their son. Hwan is just boisterous and needs attention. Lucky thing I live nearby.
Cool! That sounds good. Hey, if you ever need help walking him or anything, you can just text me. I'd be happy to help out.
Thanks NJ. I'm actually headed out now to the South beach if you're not too busy, you can join us. He likes to run on the sand.
Great! I'll see you there in 20?
Perfect! Bye NJ.
Urm. ..Bye Savannah. See you soon.

Yoongi peaked his head into the studio.
"So, did you get a date yet?" He smirked.

Namjoon threw a book at him.
He felt satisfied when he heard Yoongi yelp!


How do you like the characters thus far?

Don't worry, the rest of Bangtan will be making their debut in the next chapter and boy is it going to be interesting....😉😉😉😉


Love Swty 😙

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