Chapter 29

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Jimin's POV

"Mi Sun, come here honey!" I call my beautiful daughter.

She skips into the living room, covered in splotches of paint. I'm appalled at the state she is in.

"Appa, papa and I were playing at painting," she smiles innocently at me, smearing more paint onto her cheeks and dress.

"JEON JUNGKOOK! You better get your ass in here!" I thundered.

He walks into the living room, running his hand on the back of his neck, sheepishly. He's also covered in paint. I sigh at his state. Just looking at the two of them is giving me a headache. But I can't help but smile. They are adorable.

"Sorry babe. We got a bit carried away."

I lean in and kiss his cheek, the one that has no paint on it. I can't ever get upset with him. He's too cute. My bunny boy.

"Love, you know we're having guests over. You're the one that invited them in the first place. Now go and clean the both of you up before they all get here," I scold him softly.

"Babe! They're not guests! They're our family. And you know they won't care."

"I know love. But, can you please go bath Mi and clean yourself up as well?" I lean in and kiss him again.

"Ewwww! Appa kiss papa!!! Ewww!"
Mi Sun squeals in delight and runs off to the bathroom. We both laugh at her cuteness and Jungkook goes off to bath her.

Just then I hear the door being unlocked and in walks my other prince charming. The love of my life. My Namjoon. I run to him and hug him tightly. He throws his workbag on the floor and lifts me up into his arms, kissing me passionately.

"God! I missed you my angel. You smell so good. I just want to eat you up," he nuzzles my neck, nipping and biting me. I squeal in delight.

"Where's my Kookie baby?" He looks for Jungkook, carrying me into the living room.

"He's bathing Mi. They both got messy playing with paints," I roll my eyes.

He smirks. "You know, sometimes I feel like we have two kids."

"Me too honey. Me too," I sigh.

"Talking about us, are you?" Jungkook says, carrying Mi in his arms. "Let's punish them Mi." He winks at her and they shake their wet hair, spraying water on to us.

Soon we're all laughing and playing, tickling Mi and each other. I love my family. We may not be ideal, but the love and respect we share for one another is enough. Namjoon heads to our bedroom to get cleaned for our dinner while Jungkook and I help Noona to set the table and get Mi ready for bed.

Soon, Hobi and Yoongs join us. They are in awe of our Mi. I watch how they look at her softly, and then at each other. I hope they can work through their problems and be truly happy again. We're all waiting on V and Jin when my cell goes off.

It's Jin, probably apologising for being late. But that's not why he's calling.

The phone call

Hi Jin. Where are you guys?

Jimin! Tae is missing! Something's wrong!

Calm down, I'm putting you on speaker. Everyone is here. Tell us what happened.

He left for his shoot this morning and never made it. His car was found at the scene of an accident with his driver and bodyguards. They were all hurt. And he was nowhere to be found. They don't know what happened because they were all unconscious.

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