Chapter 8

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Jungkook was confused as fuck! He was sitting on the couch in the living room, pretending to play a game on his phone but he was actually spying on Savannah, who was cooking soup in the dorm kitchenette.

She was beautiful, no doubt. But he didnt think she even realised just how sexy she was. The way she moved and bit her lower lip in concentration, scrunching up her eyes; it all colluded to drive Jungkook crazy by just watching her. He didn't think his dick could take much more of this torture.
He sighed heavily and made his way to his room, without looking at her.

Ever since he had joined the band, Jungkook had nursed a crush on Jimin. When he was much younger, he had pretended to dislike and even openly reject Jimin's attempts at skinship. The truth was that he was so afraid of being found out, that he'd pretended to hate on his hyung.

Jimin had eventually stopped trying to be close to him. And this had hurt Jungkook's feelings so much. He had cried himself to sleep many nights with thoughts of his unrequited love for his hyung.

Ever since Savannah was forced to live with them, Jungkook had felt conflicted. He felt like he was betraying his love for his hyung but he was also drawn to Savannah. He was also hating on himself since he knew that Joon hyung was crazy about her. He resolved to ignore Savannah and focus on Jimin again.

Jimin was another concern of his. Lately, he had noticed that his beautiful hyung seemed a little off key and dispirited. It was so unlike Jimin's nature that it had begun to worry Jungkook. He decided to go talk to him about it.

"Jimin hyung, may I come in?" Jungkook asked as he knocked softly on Jimin's door.

"Yeah...sure maknae. Come in," he replied from within.

Jungkook stepped inside and closed the door. He stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to approach his hyung.

"What's wrong Kookie-ah? You look troubled?"

Jungkook moved closer to the bed, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"Hyung, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. Go ahead Kookie," Jimin replied, distractedly, playing on his phone.

Jungkook licked his lips and proceeded, peeping at his hyung.

"Why are you so sad lately? Is it something that I did? If it is, I want to apologise. I love you hyung. Please don't be mad at me," Jungkook implored.

"Oh Kookie! Why are you thinking like this? That's not true. I'm j-just going through something right now and I don't know how to handle it," Jimin replied sadly, lost in thought.

"You can talk to me hyung. I know I fool around and joke a lot but I'm really a good listener and I promise I won't tell anyone what we talk about. You can trust me," he implored.

Jimin wrung his hands anxiously.

"It's not so simple Kookie-ah... I'm scared of what everyone will think of me," he replied with sadness in his eyes.

"Please don't worry about others' opinions hyung. You are an amazing person. And I will protect you if anyone dares to bother you," Jungkook replied, puffing out his chest.

Jimin laughed at my antics. I smiled when I heard his pretty laughter. I loved how his eyes closed tight when he smiled. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"Jungkook-ah," he sighed. "I don't know what to do."

He seemed to be having a mental debate with himself. He turned to look at me then. Really look at me for the first time, weighing his decision to trust me.

"I-I'm....I'm in love with someone but he loves someone else. I don't know what to do. I haven't told him how I feel. I'm afraid, he'll hate me," he said sadly, tears forming in his pretty eyes.

Jungkook looked at him in shock but  quickly recovered himself. He felt like his heart was splitting in two. His hyung loved someone else. He pushed his feelings aside when he saw how sad Jimin was. He woke up and backhugged him.

"It's okay hyung. Sometimes, we all can't have who we love. That's called unrequited love. But that doesn't mean that we should give up on love completely. One day, you will find your happiness," Jungkook told him.

"Since when you became so mature?" Jimin smiled at Kookie. "Thank you Kookie-ah. I feel a little better already. Maybe you're right. I should not expect love from him just because I feel it and he doesn't," he said wiping a tear away. He turned and faced his dongsaeng. "I'm not going to let this upset me anymore," he said with conviction. And Jungkook took a chance and leaned in and pecked his pillow-soft lips lightly. Jimin was shocked but he brushed it aside and hugged Kookie, thanking him for being so kind and thoughtful.

Jungkook walked back to his room, smiling like an idiot. He passed V's room on the way and peeked in as the door was slightly ajar. He saw Savannah sitting on the bed, feeding V the soup she had prepared. Their eyes were locked on each other. Jungkook smirked and walked away.

"Now that looks interesting," he thought.

He knew having Savannah move into the dorm would be interesting. He couldn't wait for the fireworks to start. He rubbed his hands gleefully, smiling evilly to himself.

Oh! Life was definitely going to get interesting in the dorm!

Evil maknae alert swties 😈😅

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Sorry for the late updates. Watty was on drugs yesterday so I couldn't update. 2 updates today to make up for it 😙


Love Swty😙

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