Chapter 7

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I've been following her for 2 weeks now. Although I am a busy man, I've made the time to find out as much as I can about her. Most of the time, I've had a few of my trusted men to keep logs on her. She intrigues me. As much as I've tried to dig into her past, I've come up empty. It's been really frustrating. It's like she didn't exist until 5 years ago. That alone should have rung the alarm bells. What was so important that she wanted to keep it hidden? I'm almost certain that her real name isn't even Savannah. I was right to doubt her. I have to know her ulterior motives for her relationship with Namjoon.

I watched as she held the dog on a short leash. A slight breeze caught her wavy hair. An errant strand kept going across her face, irritating her. I wanted to lean in and tuck it behind her ear. Wait! What was I thinking? Get it together Tae. But she was beautiful. I became lost in her smile as she waved to some people that she knew by sight. She was well liked; as I've noticed these past few days. She was polite, friendly and always smiling. I could get lost in that smile.

She was just stepping out into the back alley when 4 men crowded her. They were yelling at her but she didn't seem to understand. They wanted the dog. One of them lunged at the pup and the others tried to hold her back. She screamed and I stepped out of the shadows.

"I suggest you idiots get lost," I spoke in a low, menacing tone.

They just laughed and two of them came at me. I did short work of disabling them but the third guy was too strong. I felt my arm snapping. I screamed in pain and Savannah kicked the fourth guy and ran for help.

I was writhing in pain on the floor when some people approached me. All I remember seeing was Savannah's worried face before I passed out.

I woke up in a hospital room. Savannah was standing in a far corner of the room, looking out the window. I moaned and she ran to my bed.

"Oh my God Taehyung! Are you okay?" She was in a panic.

I watched as she pressed the bell for the nurse.

"It's okay. Don't move. Don't talk. The doctor will come in soon," she said, worry etched in every word.

She moved my hair out of my face and our eyes locked. We stared into each others eyes with such intensity, that she became flustered. She broke eye contact first.

The nurse walked in and spoke to Savannah in a friendly tone. I gathered that they were friends.

"Mr Kim, you are at the Mercy Healing Clinic. Savannah brought you in after you were attacked by some street thugs. I'm sorry, but your arm is fractured. You will have to wear a brace for 6 to 8 weeks until it's healed fully. The doctor will come in to see you a little later. If you have any questions, I'm sure Savannah will be able to assist you adequately," she said kindly.

I looked at Savannah; she was wringing her hands anxiously.

"Can you please do me a favour and call Namjoon," I said, trying to sit up.

She rushed over and helped me up, then quickly let go.

"I've already informed him. He should be here any moment," she said, anxiety clearly etched across her beautiful face.

Just then, the door swung open and my friends rushed in, followed closely by Bang PD-nim himself. I knew I was in for it now for sure.

"I see you've got yourself into a pickle V. I'm quite surprised actually. Usually, I'm forced to deal with RM's destructive nature. But, we've got a whole can of worms to deal with right now with you. I'll handle the media. You all will not Tweet or Weverse anything until an official statement is released," he looked at the rest of the group. And they nodded. "Now, please explain what happened and why were you in that alley in the first place?" He asked V.

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