Author's Note

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Firstly, let's start off with saying that I clearly don't own the Harry Potter characters or the Wizarding world universe. That honor goes to J.K Rowling. Any plot lines/ themes /characters etc. pulled from that world I do not claim to own. (I mean this should go without saying)

Secondly, this is a VERY gay fan fiction so if you aren't down with dick on dick action might wanna exit while you can.

Thirdly, if you are unfamiliar with my work I'm here to tell you that there's death and heartbreak and destruction in most of my writing. This story will not be exempt from that. So be prepared for disturbing themes, such as mental illness, torture, murder, and sex. Also, there's drug and alcohol use, though that's mild compared to the other.

And curse words. A lot of curse words. But if you're on wattpad truth be told curse words are probably the least of your problems.

Lastly, there will be minor grammatical errors as I publish my rough drafts. You are free to comment on spelling errors or whatnot, but no promises I'll get around to fixing it.

Some things in the universe has been altered to fit my story. The plot line isn't really romance so if you've come for straight smut; this isn't the fanfic for you. If you've come to emotionally attach to characters who will probably end up dead; please be my guest and read on.

Again, some things have been altered to fit my story. It won't line up EXACTLY with JK Rowling's universe or work. This is NOT The Cursed Child. In fact, the plot lines in this one is very very different than that play-write. So please don't compare the two.

This story is primarily told through third person limited (Scorpius's point of view, but third person). I might have some chapters with alternate POVs but they will be labeled.

Scorpius's personality is VERY different than in the Cursed Child. Well, all the characters are really. If you're looking for an "in character" kind of fanfic this isn't the one for you.

Now, if you successfully got through that: Welcome! And grab a box of tissues cause I'm about to run your emotions through the ringer.

If you read a chapter that makes you feel something, please vote or comment :) Active readers are the best kind of readers. (Maybe I'll even decide to spare some feelings)

Good luck my lovelies,

I'll be adding a "⚠️" emoji to any chapters which might be triggering (particularly mental illness and self-harm) Feel free to skip those parts. Do not put yourself at risk. I'll also include the emoji if there's a detailed smut scene, as a heads up.
Much love, Satan

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