Jongho ✦ Jealous

Start from the beginning

You got up off the grass and walked a few feet away to call Jongho.
"Y/n. Is everything okay?" He answered immediately.
"Yeah. I just wanted to call and let you know that I ran into someone I used to go to school with. We started catching up and I lost track of time."
"That's alright. I can wait a little longer."
"You sure?" You asked.
"Mhm. You go have fun."
"Thanks, Jongho. I'll see you when I get home."
You hung up and walked back over to where Wonho was sitting.
"All good?"
"Yeah." You sat down. "All good."
"I'd like to meet this boyfriend of yours." He told you.
"You'd love him. He's pretty strong just like you."
"He is?"
"Yeah. He can break apples with his bare hands."
"No way."
"Yes way. I have a video. Do you wanna see it?"
"Absolutely." He scooted closer as you pulled up the video.

"Okay, ready?" Your voice said in the video.
Jongho nodded.
He held the apple in his hands, making sure to place his fingers in the right spots before squeezing and breaking the fruit in half with ease.

"Woahhh." Wonho gaped in awe. "That was so cool. How does he do that?"
"I think it has something to do with the pressure that's applied to the top and bottom of the apple. Not sure, though."
"That's so cool."
"There's plenty of compilations on YouTube of Jongho breaking apples. He usually does it while singing a high note. It's pretty impressive."
"Sounds like it. I hope I can meet him someday. Then maybe I can witness it in person."
"I can see when he's got time off and we could plan something if you'd like." You suggested.
"That would be great. I look forward to it."

The two of you finished your watermelon halves and cleaned up the mess. At that point, you figured it was time for you to head home. You had a lot of fun catching up with Wonho, but you had already kept Jongho waiting for an hour and a half.
"Don't forget to send me those pictures we took." Wonho pointed.
"I won't."
"And we need to keep in touch this time."
"Definitely." You nodded. "I'll see you later."
"See you later." He waved goodbye as you went your separate ways.

You heaved a heavy sigh as you stepped past the threshold of your home's front entrance, closing the door behind you.
"You're home!" Jongho greeted enthusiastically, rushing over to you as he embraced you in a tight hug.
You found it adorable how affectionate he was with you behind closed doors, as he seemed like the type to not care very much for skinship or physical affection.
"Sorry I stayed out a bit later than I planned." You apologized, worried that you made him wait too long.
"It was only thirty minutes later. Don't worry about it." He stroked your hair. "Did you get my cookies?"
"I did." You held the bag up. "Three boxes."
Jongho let out the most adorable noise of excitement and carried the bag into the kitchen, pulling out a box and ripping it open right away.
"So, you said you ran into an old friend?"
"I did. Someone I went to high school with. His name is Wonho. Let me tell you, I didn't even recognize him. He used to be so tiny and now he looks like some kind of bodybuilder."
"Oh?" Jongho raised a brow.
"Yes, it's insane. He even broke a watermelon with his thighs."
"Did he?"
"He did."
"I'd like to see this Wonho guy."
"We actually took pictures together. Let me show you."
You pulled your phone from your back pocket and showed him the photos you and Wonho took at the convenience store.
"I see." Jongho murmured, looking at the picture.
"Oh. Do you have a schedule this weekend?"
"No. Why?"
"No reason." You shrugged. "I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable. These jeans are squeezing the life out of me. I'll be right back." You excused yourself and went to the bedroom.
You took a moment to send the pictures from today to Wonho before you forgot, setting your phone on the bed before changing into some baggy sweats and a t-shirt. Just as you finished up, your phone chimed, it was a text from Wonho.
"That was fast." You commented aloud.

Thank you!
If it's alright I was thinking the three of us could meet up for lunch sometime. The three of us meaning, you, Jongho, and me. What do you think?

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