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EBONY'S POV (The creature)

I have been here for almost a week now and I'm still as confused as ever. I know I'm not who they want here and they are only keeping me alive because of her. I understand why they look away from me or avoid me altogether in the hallways of this home. To them, I am an outsider who took away their friend and I will be nothing more. I am the creature created by the darkness to protect the human soul. I was supposed to corrupt her and make her evil like me and I was tasked with protecting the soul of the innocent and making us into an unstoppable killing machine. We were created to lure and kill Carter Morgan most painfully and much to my disappointment the darkness and I had succeeded. He had broken vampire Carter in such a way that I don't think it's possible for him to recover.

All that's left of his human is a creature and I don't even know who I am without Ebony's soul. She took over this body and made it hers. She took my name and made it hers. I was simply the shell that protected the precious insides and now I'm lost in my own empty body. I'm a stranger inside my head. I'm nothing without her.

"Can you tell us again what you are?" The king of the vampires said slowly as he sat next to me in the library.

"I'm a creature of the dark created to destroy this world." I wanted to be honest with him. He was always nice to me and he was the only one taking the time to know who I was. He also has very nice green eyes.

"I see, and you no longer wish to harm any vampire or human?" The king of vampires gave me a reassuring smile like I was doing a good job.

"No, not at all king of the vampires. I can feel things now. I see things differently now. I have no intention of killing anything." I shook my head at him and I could feel the panic start to build inside me. "I...I just want to belong somewhere. I have nowhere to go and I fear that if I leave this place the darkness will find me and punish me."

"You are safe here. We have no reason to return you to the darkness but you have to understand how confusing this is for everyone. You say that our Ebony was destroyed by the darkness yet, most of us have heard her. We have felt her sadness and her fear. You say you don't know how this is possible yet you must feel it as well."

"I don't know why you can all feel her." I sat back in the chair and closed my eyes. "I saw the darkness destroy her. I felt her being ripped from my body and I knew that without her I couldn't survive. Creatures like me need a human soul to live or we become consumed by hate and anger and we simply return to dust. When I survived, I mean after she was pulled from me, I knew something wasn't right. I knew I was no longer just a creature of darkness. I was pregnant with Cayden and he kept me alive in that world. He protected me from harm and he left behind something that even I don't understand." I opened my eyes and looked at the king of vampires. "Is she still inside me? Does this mean that I will eventually be made to hide away in my own body again? Is that why I'm alive and feeling things?"

"What did the witch doctor say?" The king of vampires scratched his head. He was just as puzzled as I was.

"He said there is no human soul inside me. He said I am a pure creature now, yet I can feel her. How is that possible?"

"I have known that witch doctor for many centuries and I trust his word. If he says there is no human soul inside you, then I'm afraid he is right. I don't know why you are the way you are but I know Ebony and she would not leave you unless she knew you would be safe. You were together for many years yes?"

I nodded. "Since her soul was a child."

"And you grew around her?"

"Yes, I grew as a normal human would." I nodded.

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