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"You have got to be kidding me?" Callan laughed as he saw his mother chained to a chair in the kitchen. "What the actual fuck, mother?"

"Callan, look at what your father did to me." Genevieve wailed from the chair. "Please, this isn't necessary. Tell your father this isn't necessary, darling."

"Oh, please." Callan scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You are so barking up the wrong tree."

"I am your mother." She said sternly.

"That's a stretch if I ever heard one." Leon almost laughed as he walked into the room. "You have no right to call yourself a mother."

"And you!" Genevieve screamed at Leon. "I'm chained up like a prisoner, and you are welcomed into the family, no questions asked. If they knew half the things, you did..."

"They know everything," Leon growled in her face. "The difference is I had no choice in doing those things, but you did. You chose to do those vile things, and that makes me feel sick to my stomach. You are disgusting."

"I'm disgusting? How dare you. I loved you." Genevieve pouted at Leon. "I did everything for you, and you betrayed me for what? A human?"

"You did it because you liked it. That is what's so disgusting." Leon almost spat his words at her. "Carter, this ridiculous. The bitch is lying to you. You need to get rid of her now."

"I agree." I shrugged, not bothering to argue. "It's not me you have to convince here."

Everyone in the room looked over at Henry and Jacob, who suddenly looked very awkward.

"It's Eb. I can't kill her." Jacob said, throwing his hands up in the air. "I mean, I could kill her.." he pointed to Genevieve. "But not Eb."

"I'm sorry, but I agree," Henry said calmly. "If there is even a tiny chance Ebony is inside Genevieve, then I refuse to help kill her."

"Thank you, your majesty. I always knew you were too good to be with these creatures." Genevieve said, batting her eyelashes at Henry. "Long live the king."

"Oh, shut up," Leon yelled. "What is the plan here exactly? I want this away from me. It's triggering me to hurt it." He glared at Genevieve.

"I don't want him in this room. Remove him, or I don't talk." Genevieve turned her head from Leon. "Those are my terms."

"I don't give a fuck what you want," I said, leaning against the wall casually. "Talk. Don't talk. I don't care." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Either way, you're going to die."

Genevieve turned to look at me, shocked at my words. "I have your human. Kill me, and she dies."

"I understand, but Ebony wouldn't want me to risk her family to save you." I shrugged again, still not reacting to her. "You are here purely because others don't feel the same. That's it."

"In all due respect, I have no problem killing Genevieve," Henry said, holding up in hands in protest. "Just so we are clear."

"Your highness, please." Genevieve pouted her lips again. "A handsome king like yourself should not be taking orders from these vampires. I could help you.."

"You can shut the fuck up already." Leon cut her off. "Carter, can we talk about this in the other room, please?" Leon said, walking towards me.

"If you wish." I nodded and followed Leon out of the kitchen and into the foyer.

"Are you crazy?" Leon yelled at me. "You can't let that wretch back into our lives. She has been working with the darkness the whole time. This is definitely a trick, and I, for one, am not going to die for her."

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