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I hated coming to hell. It was hot and loud and just a pain in my ass. I had better shit to do than come down here and deal with my annoying brother. Fuck, I hate him. My whole life, I have been second best to him, and then I discovered that I'm only alive because of his darkness. The same darkness that he couldn't handle.


He gets to live this amazing life with a family and an amazing girl who loves him, Ebony. My beautiful Ebony. I had such hatred towards you because you made him happy. You made him want to be better, and he didn't deserve to be happy, and he doesn't deserve you.

I approached the gates of Hell as the familiar feeling of nerves set in. Although I had been here many times before, the feeling of being stuck here for eternity did scare me. I didn't fear much, but my punishment in hell was enough for me to always be one step ahead of death.

"Name." The demon at the gate said abruptly, not even looking up from his long list of names.

"I have a meeting with Lucifer."

"I said, what is your name, not your business." The demon spat at me. My blood boiled as he looked me up and down, pathetic creature. If I had my way right now, I would tear its teeth out one by one and make it eat them as I cut off its legs slowly.

"Te futueo et caballum tuum" [Screw you and the horse you rode in on.] I growled at him in Latin.

"What?" It roared at me.

"inutilia." [Useless.] I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly. "My name is Leon Morgan," I growled at it.

"This way." It said, ignoring me and walking down a long dark corridor. I reluctantly followed it as I fought every urge in my body to snap its filthy neck. "Keep your hands at your side at all times. The walls like to bite." It instructed.

I looked at the walls and saw it was made up of human heads, all watching me and showing their rotting teeth. This is why I live in the human world. You would never see such a thing in their world, and if you do, it's quickly covered up by the authorities.

The demon led me into a small room filled with hundreds of humans, all Cramer in and lined up in a straight line, one behind the other, all looking at a small piece of paper in their hands. They were literally standing there waiting in line for nothing as numbers flashed up on a screen that didn't match their tickets. They all sighed impatiently and went back to staring at their ticket. This is their eternal punishment waiting in line to go nowhere. Clever.

"This way." The demon called as he walked to the front of the line. The humans didn't seem to notice us as I followed him through a door and into another room where other humans and creatures were being cut in half by rusty chainsaws. Blood covered the walls and floors like red paint. Wait, is this what they are lining up for? Stupid creatures.

"Lucifer is down this corridor and to your right.  Don't go left, or you will end up in the pit, and trust me, you don't want to spend eternity in there." It gave me a wicked smile, and laughed with pure joy.

"Great." I groaned, walking down the hallway, not even looking back. I fucken hate this place. It's creepy as fuck down here. I approached the door to Lucifer at the end of the dark corridor, and I heard an all too familiar voice fill my head.

"Brother, don't do this. The darkness will find you."

Carter's last words ran through my head as his screams of pain and sorrow filled me like air. I could feel his terror and panic inside me like I was the one being pulled into the portal by the hell hounds. I could hear the hell hounds let out an all-mighty howl of pleasure as I reached the door and looked around frantically for them in complete panic. I jumped as I heard manic laughing coming from behind the door.

Midnight CEO. To hell and back.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora