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"Welcome back." Vampire Carter smiled as he helped me stand up. "Is Ebony safe?"

"Yes, she is safe," I nodded, feeling the human soul inside me like a small warm glow. "She is not happy I am, though." I could feel her anger at me. "Why is she angry with me?"

"She is worried she won't be in control again." Vampire Carter said, looking worried. "She doesn't understand yet, but she will. Are you feeling alright?" He touched my arm, and I smiled. I have missed this.

"Yes, I feel fine." I nodded, looking over at Jake and Callan. "Oh, hello." I waved awkwardly.

"Sup," Jake winked at me.

"Hey." Callan smiled. "You ready for this? Do you remember our training?"

"I do." I nodded, looking around my surroundings. "Where are we exactly?"

"We are in the sewer drains on our way to the vampire council chambers. They are holding the darkness, and they are going to die for lying to me." Vampire Carter snarled. "No one fucks with my family and gets away with it."

"Tell me what you need from me." I clenched my fists. "Who do I destroy?" I felt my power surge through my body with anticipation of the fight.

"Woah," Jake whispered as I tensed my muscles. "When did all of this happen?"

"With my training, anything is possible." Callan crossed his arms over his pumped-up chest proudly.

"Oh, please." Jake rolled his blue eyes and walked down the dark tunnel muttering to himself.

"I will explain that part of the plan when we get there." Vampire Carter said calmly. "Right now, I need your help to walk these tunnels without dying from traps set up by the council. Can you help me?"

"Of course. I can sense a trap right up there.."

"FUCK!" Jake screamed in pain.

"Jacob?" Carter ran toward the scream, and I was right behind him. "What happened?"

"It's in my leg," Jake yelled, pointing to the arrow now stuck in his left thigh. "It's in my fucking leg."

"I told you to stay behind me." Vampire Carter said, grabbing onto the arrow. "Brace yourself."

"No, please. This really...FUCK ME, RAW! That hurts." Jake screamed as Carter pulled out the arrow. "Man, now my pants are ripped."

"That was a warning. The next one won't be so lenient." Carter threw the arrow to the ground.

"Excuse me? Lenient? How dare you." Jake pointed to his bleeding leg as another arrow shot past his head, scraping his ear. "Well, fuck." Jake grumbled, holding his ear.

"Stop moving, you idiot," Callan yelled at him. "What's our next move?" He said, slowly looking at vampire Carter.

"Like I said, I go first. You all follow." Vampire Carter said, swallowing hard. "Listen to your body and surroundings because your life might depend on it." He looked over at me. "Be careful."

"You too." I nodded, walking over to Jake to check on his wounds. "Here." I ripped off the arm of my denim jacket and wrapped it around his leg. "This will help to stop the bleeding."

"At least someone cares about me," Jake said, looking at Vampire Carter and Callan. "Thank you, friend."

"You are welcome." I nodded and smiled. "Ebony told me to do that."

"Of course she did. Thanks, Eb." Jake said, hugging me tightly.

"Can we just get going so we can get out of here? The smell is making me nauseous." Callan groaned, making a face.

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