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"I can not believe you were all this stupid," Carter yelled as he paced back and forth in front of us back at the castle. "You had no damn right to do this." He was furious as he threw his arms up in the air. "You all know better."

"Brother, they were only trying to help," Leon said calmly as he tried to reason with Carter. "They don't understand what they have done."

"That's damn right, they don't understand, and they should have just left us in that world. We had the darkness contained where it could no longer hurt any creature. We were winning the fight." He yelled, clenching his fists. "Now, it's out in our world, and I have no fucken idea how we are going to stop it now. Do any of you?" He turned and glared at Callan, Henry, Jake, and myself sitting on the sofa in front of him nervously like children.

"You know he's the king, right?" Jake said, pointing to Henry next to him. "You probably shouldn't yell at the king."

"I don't give a god damn good fuck who he is," Carter yelled even louder. "You all fucked up together and will all listen to me together." Carter crossed his arms over his chest. "Why? Why were you all so stupid? Just tell me why, and it better be good."

"We just wanted you back." I cried out.

"That's exactly my point, Ebony. Your selfish reason of getting me back has now damned both of our worlds. You have all allowed this evil to enter back, and now we are literally at square one again. I can not believe you would even allow this to happen." He yelled at me loudly. "We had it contained, for fucks sake." He threw his arms up in the air in complete frustration. "So fucken stupid."

"I was just worried about you," I yelled at him. "I thought you were hurt or dead."

"So what if I was? The bigger picture here was that our worlds would have been safe if we were just left inside there. I mean, let's be honest here, now that the darkness is back, we are all dead anyway." He shrugged. "So why didn't you just leave us in there to die with the darkness."

"I couldn't do that," I said. "I would never just leave you to die, and if that was me stuck in there, you have done the same."

"Are you sure about that, Ebony?" Carter scoffed at me. "Because unlike all of you, I'm not that selfish." He starred at me as I began to cry.

"All right enough of this," Henry said, standing up. "Clearly, we need to talk about a few things here, but I will not tolerate this behavior, Carter. You need to calm down and ...."

"You know your majesty?" Carter said right in Henry's face. "You are absolutely right. I do need to calm down." His eyes fell on me. "You should have known better. After everything we have been through together and after everything you watched my brother go through, you should have known better." He said right in my face before he walked away from us all muttering to himself loudly.

"What the fuck was that?" Jake said, suddenly throwing his arms around me. "Seriously, is he having his period or what?"

Leon walked closer to us. "You have to understand, guys, we had the darkness locked away in that world. We managed to get everyone out, and we sealed the world tight so that no creature could ever get in.."

"Or out," Callan said, shaking his head. "We fucked up."

"Yeah, you kind of did," Leon said. "I don't know how you all managed to do it, but here we are."

"And Carter?" Asked Henry.

"You have to understand. As far as Carter was concerned, he was never going to see any of you again, and so he completely closed off his mind and heart as it hurt him so much to even think about losing you. He went a little crazy in there just thinking about not seeing you all again, and the only thing that gave him peace was the fact that we had the darkness contained and that you were all safe. He would rather die a thousand deaths than see you all hurt. That is his one true weakness, I'm afraid, and the only way he knows how to make it stop is to let it go."

Midnight CEO. To hell and back.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang