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"Hello?" I called nervously into the darkness around me as I brought my knees up against my chest on a cold hard floor. "Carter?" I called softly as a tear fell down my cheek. I knew I wasn't in the vampire world anymore. This place felt different, it smelt like ash and smoke but the air around me was freezing cold. My senses were buzzing with anticipation as I could feel every inch of my skin sensing danger or some kind of threat. A threat I hadn't faced before, yet I wasn't scared of it. I had no feeling of being scared even though I knew my body was telling me I should be. I just felt alone and empty like my very being had been ripped out of me, and now I was nothing more than an abandoned shell. Nothing to anyone. I looked around at the darkness trying to feel something, anything. I knew I should be scared and I should be running from this strange overwhelming darkness but I didn't move. I didn't even twitch a muscle as it felt somewhat familiar. Somewhat calming to me.

"Hello?" I called again softly searching for some kind of life around me in this cloud of darkness. I wasn't sure if I even made a sound as my mind suddenly went quiet.

"Welcome home." A deep, gravelly voice said close to me. "I've missed you." It whispered in my ear. I spun around quickly, looking for the owner of the voice, but nothing was there.

"Who are you?" I whispered into the dark. "Where am I?" it was hard to talk and coughed as my lungs filled with smoke.

"You don't remember me? I'm hurt." The voice said in my ear. "I remember everything about you."

"Stop playing games and tell me what you are," I demanded. I felt a spike of fear flow through my veins like ice as the darkness laughed at me.

"I always loved your fiery side." The voice almost laughed at me. "Most would fear me but not you. No, you challenge me,  and I love it."

"What do you want from me?" I crawled back on the cold hard floor looking for any sign of an escape. There has to be something here.

"I want you to remember who you are." The voice again said, right in my ear. "I want you to remember what you are."

"What do you mean what you are? I'm human." I cried out, still searching in the dark. "I know what I am."

"You only know what I told you to know." The voice said all around me loudly. "You only remember being human because I told you too."

"Stop playing this with me. You are making no sense, and I don't understand.."

"I'm telling you to remember." The voice bellowed at me. "I command that you remember what you are immediately."

"I don't know what you are talking about. Remember what?" I spun around frantically looking again for the source of the voice, but there was nothing but darkness. I waited for the sound to yell at me again but instead, the space around me was filled with nothing but a deafening silence. I slowly stood up and looked around nervously, waiting for something to happen.

"Hello?" I called out taking a step forward and trying to find my bearings. "Please! I don't understand what you want from me or who you think I am? I'm just a human..."

"You are not ready." The voice said sternly. "I thought you were ready when you heard me in the forest, but you are not. You are of no use to me anymore."

"Just tell me who you think I am."

"I don't have time for this. You were once my greatest creation of war and destruction, but now you are nothing more than a filthy pathetic useless human. You disappointed me. I gave you everything, and you gave it all away for nothing. I should have known you were weak. You were weak and alone when I found you, and you will always be a disappointment."

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