
Five-story house, Han's estate.

Akira, Hikaru, and Hikari greet the couple and son.

After that, they went respectively inside their study room or lab.

Researching or studying. Kumo was there too, surprisingly she didn't play with Hikari this time.

She was having a chat with Hikaru in the garden. Tereza was wondering, what were they actually talking about?

Tereza carried Ringo and followed Han to their room in upstairs.

She put Ringo to his baby crib and gave him a blanket.

She looked at her son sleeping soundly, In one hour he has to take a bath!

Han quickly went to the bathroom and took off his clothes.

Tereza saw his tiredness and couldn't help to feel sorry. Maybe she should help him? She was grinning.

In the bathtub, Han has drowned himself to the hot tub.

He was sleepy and tired. He didn't get sleep for a few days because of his works.

He felt bad for his mind and body, but he needs to finish his works as soon as possible before the rats notice.

Tonight his cousin will come too, so he needs to save his energy.

He took a quick nap in the bathtub without noticing a certain someone standing behind him.

Tereza looked at her husband of her, he was sleeping.

She was planning to 'service' him today but she had a hunch if they do it tonight. He'll be more tired tomorrow.

So she services him with something else, "Han...Hubby..."

He was startled, "Huh? Wife?"

"Get up and wore your clothes. Take a quick nap and I'll wake you up when your cousin come." She said with concern.

He looked at his water bathtub that turns to cold and gets up from it. His eyes were red due to lack of sleep.

He quickly put his nightwear and collapse on his bed. Tereza came to his side with her hand holding something.

"Lay on your stomach. Come here, I'll massage you."

She put olive oil on her hand and began to massage his back. From his waist to his neck.

Tereza pressed the spots inside his body for body healing. She learned this from the internet, of course.

When she began to massage his body and temple, he sounds like an old man, grunting from the pressure.

He muttered, "Ugh...that's the spot...a little more to the right...yes...ahh..."

"Are you feeling better now?" (Tereza)

"A little longer, Dear." (Han)


It's been one hour! I'm tired!

In the end, Tereza smacked his back and cover him with a blanket. "Just go to sleep!" she shouted.


At 20:05 PM

Inside his bedroom, the lamps were turned on. Han woke up from his 'quick' nap. Well, it was a little longer than usual.

He was greeted by the sudden sight, his wife was beside him, feeding Ringo with her breast milk.

Ringo's eyes were closed when he tried to suck his breast milk. Only his little mouth moving.

"Wife..." He said hoarsely. He was thirsty. He needs water, no, her milk!

"Done sleeping? Come downstairs, your cousin was waiting for you. And don't ask about wanting my milk." She said indifferently and get up from the bed.

She put Ringo sleeping again in his baby crib and kissed his son dumpling face.

She strode to Han side and kissed his cheeks. She said, "If you are looking for me, I'll be in my lab."

He nodded, "Un, don't stay too late."

Tereza looked at his bed hair and try to tidy it. Done!

She was satisfied a little. She pecks his lips and went downstairs to her lab.

She told Satoru that Han'll come down soon. Then, left him waiting in the living room.

Satoru from the start had his majestic yet quiet demeanor, but he didn't know why besides his sister-in-law he felt weird.

Maybe because she's too beautiful? He didn't know why.

He was unconsciously following Tereza figure who was heading to her lab in her garden. She and this place smell good.

Han was changing his nightwear to his casual clothes quickly.

When he was heading downstairs, he caught Satoru staring at his wife! What are you doing Satoru?

"Why are you looking at my wife?" Han said with his tone changing cold.

"I only looked at her, what's wrong with it?"

Han scoffed, "Don't try to think about it."

"Why should I?" Satoru looked at this cousin of his.

Han sat on his couch looking at him. A servant came brought his drink and walk away. He said to the point, "Did you bring the documents?"

"I do." He gave it to Han. He explained, "I found a few promising investors who can help the Island project you're asking. Do you want to build a city there? Are you crazy?"

"It's for the future project. It's quite promising for investing. Kei Ono was the one initiating this idea. The 'four' of us agree about this plan and don't complain too much."

"Yeah, right. Next, what? You're going to make a country? You're going to be president? What about the resorts and hotel project you said. Did you get the sign with the owner of the land?"

He nodded, "I have it right here." He gave his document he brought to Satoru.

Satoru couldn't help to praise him, "Great job, that owner was really hard to deal with. How did you get him signing?"

"I have my own way," Han said indifferently while sipping his tea.

He continues, "Find and make a special team for the hotel and resort projects. I'm still busy with the Asuzawa group and I need to check our old company manufacture product as well and get rid of some of the rats."

"The island's project?"

"I'll also take care of that. Just do your job managing well. Report to me, if something happened. Do you want uncle to trust you again?"

Satoru began to play with his nails. His face's cold. He was sighing. "Can a father hate his son forever?"

Han looked at Satoru, but sudden old memories came to him.

In a dark and white place, he saw his father, Nobuo Asuzawa slap him, and he glared at his father full of resentment.

He left the house and gone for a couple of days. The memories end there.

Han opens his eyelid and said without looking at him, "No. But you're not his real son." while he massaging his temple, a little tired.

Later, he'll make Tereza massage him again!

Satoru scoffed from his answer, "Thanks for being conspicuous."

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