Sizzy: You did this to me!

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Simon POV:

I walk into the institute to see my wife pacing the floor, "Izzy what's wrong?"

"Oh Simon your home, I have a present to give you," she is holding a small bag with tissue sticking out the top.

"Iz you didn't have to do that," I tell her giving her a kiss, she hands me the package.

"Let's go sit down," she tells me. I follow her and we sit down. I pull the present out and unwrap it, it's a pregnancy test.... a positive pregnancy test.

"You're..... you are?" I ask not able to form words, she nods I pick her up and kiss her, "That is amazing, Izzy! We are going to be parents! I love you more then you know!"

"Oh Simon I'm so glad you're happy about this! But I kinda know how much you love me considering that there is a baby inside me!" she exclaims, "I'm inviting Alec, Magnus, Clary, Jace and my mom over for dinner. No I'm not cooking it," I stare at her amazed, "I knew you were going to ask if I was cooking or not."

Once everyone gets to the institute and we are eating Izzy taps her glass with her knife, "Simon and I have great news."

"Izzy is pregnant!" I exclaim and kiss her on the temple. Clary, Magnus and Izzy's mom congratulate her while her brothers just stare at me.

"You got our sister pregnant?" Alec asks.

"No, I got my wife pregnant," I spat back.

"Come on Alec I know you are excited to be an Uncle," Izzy told him. He smiles at her.

****Time laps to Izzy giving birth****

"I hate you Simon Lewis! You did this to me!" Izzy yells. I laugh and kiss her forehead. 1 hour later, I'm sitting in the bed with Izzy who is holding our son in her arms, "Si what should we name him?"

"Max?" I ask, tears form in her eyes and she nods.

"Can we come in? We are dying out here!" Clary exclaims.

"Yes, yes! Come in," Izzy shouts. They all come in and coo over our son.

"What's his name?" Maryse asks.

"Max," Izzy says, "Max Alexander."

Alec smiles as he takes his nephew in his arms, "Why am I left out of this?" Jace asks, Clary shushes him.

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