I sip my warm cup of coffee, feeling the heat as it goes down.

"So how was your night with Joe?" Danielle asks, smiling.

"Fine?" I ask, unsure of what she's getting at.

She raises an eyebrow and my eyes widen, "oh." I say.

"You know I just thought, first night together after everything..." she says.

Kelly looks awkward as she takes a sip of her own coffee.

She's right.

Why weren't we all over each other?

We didn't even kiss goodnight.

If that was me months ago, just there mere thought of Joe touching me set me on fire. Things are different between us and I can't deny that.

Danielle senses my change in attitude and smiles, "you guys were probably just tired."

"Exactly." Kelly says, trying to help me feel better.

"Right." I say, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I know Nick and I can't take our hands off of each other." Kelly says.

Danielle laughs but I don't react. They were fighting last night, I saw them. So clearly that's not true. Why would she feel the need to lie about it?

Nick comes through the door then, soaking wet. We all look at him and he stands there, his breathing heavy.

"The boat ran out of gas, and we didn't have any extra so I had to swim to shore to come get some."

I cover my mouth so he doesn't see me laugh, but he glares at me, clearly noticing.

"And you lost Rock Paper Scissors I assume?" I ask.

His glare quickly turns into an amused smile, "You know it." And we both laugh.

Kelly looks at the two of us in confusion, "Did I miss something?" She asks.

"The boys always settled their differences by playing Rock Paper Scissors." Danielle says, shaking her head.

"Well I'm gonna jump in the kayak and bring some gas to them." He says before going back outside.

Kelly goes outside after him without saying a word. I look at Danielle and lean towards her, "I saw her and Nick fighting last night. I'm pretty sure they didn't share a room." I say.

"Oh really? That's interesting." Danielle says, looking at the closed door.

Kevin builds a fire for us to sit by, which I find silly. We could just be doing this at home.

Kelly sits on Nick's lap, but he doesn't put his hands on her. Joe sits beside me and wraps an arm casually around my shoulder, like old pals.

I look over at Nick and he looks at me for a moment before turning and kissing Kelly out of nowhere. Even she was surprised. I look down at my feet and bite my lip.

"I just need to use the bathroom." I say, getting up from my seat.

"Okay." Joe says.

I walk as fast as my broken leg will take me into the house. I take deep breaths, trying to get myself together. I can't let it bother me, seeing Nick with Kelly.

It can't...

I don't...

"Are you okay?"

I turn to see Nick approaching me. I almost loose balance, grabbing onto the counter and dropping a crutch.

"Damn it." I say.

Nick walks over and picks it up, handing it to me. "Thanks." I mumble.

"Is something bothering you?" He asks.

"No." I say.

I feel his eyes on me but I don't look at him.

"Well it sure seems like there is." He says. I finally look at him and he looks at me pleadingly, "you can tell me."

"There's nothing to tell you, Nick." I say.

He takes another step towards me, unblinking, "Why did you walk away when you saw me kiss Kelly?"

I feel my dinner come up into my throat, "I came in here to use the bathroom."

"Then why were you standing in here?"

"I was making my way there but then you came in." I say.

"You may think I can't read you Trin, but I can. It bothers you to see me and Kelly together."

"No, it doesn't." I say.

"I just don't get why it bothers you, seeing as you picked Joe and all..." he says, leaning against the counter.

"It doesn't..."

"What's going on?" Joe asks, walking into the room.

"I was just getting a drink and Trin had dropped her crutch so I was just helping her." Nick says. He locks eyes with me for a long moment before walking away and back outside.

"Is there something going on I should know about?" Joe asks.

I shake my head, "No Joe."

"Okay." He says, "see you outside then?"

I nod and he smiles before walking out.

I lean against the counter, holding back tears.

Nicks right, it does bother me. The thought of him with someone else makes me sick to my stomach.

The fire between Joe and i has dwindled.

Was Joe right when he said I don't look at him the same way I used to?

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