Nick catches my eye in the corner of the room, and that's when I see her; Kelly. She has long wavy blonde hair and she's wearing an adorable sweater dress.

My stomach feels like I'm suddenly being punched in the gut.

This cannot be happening. I love Joe. I know I felt something for Nick but it was never compared to what I have for Joe.

So why does seeing him with someone else hurt so bad.

"You okay?" Joe asks. I turn and look at him and he seems concerned.

"Just hungry. Let's go to the kitchen." I say.

He follows behind me, and I find Danielle grabbing something out of the oven.

"There you two are." She says.

"Everything looks great." Joe tells her.

"Where's the man of the hour?" I ask.

"Oh outside mingling. Hungry?" She asks, handing me a plate with cheese and crackers. I nod and Joe grabs it for me.

"Look who it is." Joe says. I look in his direction and in walks Nick and Kelly.

They walk over and Nick puts his hand on her back. She smiles wide, her perfect white teeth almost blinding me.

"Kelly, this is my brother Joe and his girlfriend Trin." Nick says.

"Hey." Joe says, shaking her hand

"Nice to meet you both." She says after shaking my hand.

I look at Nick and he's staring at me, which makes me even more uncomfortable.

"Great party." Kelly says, leaning into Nick.

"Well you can thank Danielle for that." Joe says.

She runs a hand through her hair, and her perfume floats through the air. Why is she perfect and where did she come from?

"We were just going to go join Kevin and a few others at the fire if you two want to come." Nick says.

"No." I say at the same time Joe says yes. He looks at me with a confused expression.

"I just thought we could sit in here for a bit." I say.

"Okay." Joe says.

Nick looks from Joe to me and I smile, "we will join you guys in a bit."

"Okay." Kelly says, grabbing Nicks arm and pulling him outside.

"What was that about?" Joe asks as we make our way to the table.

"I'm in shorts, I just didn't want to go outside just yet." I say, taking a seat.

He sits across from me and looks amused, "That's why the fire is for silly."

"I just want to eat in here, okay?" I say before shoving a whole cracker into my mouth.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Joe asks.

"I'm fine. I wish everyone would stop asking me that." I say, clearly irritated.

"Hey." Joe says, his tone softening. He sets his hand over top of mine, "we just care about you, that's all."

His eyes turn me to mush and I sigh, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Just the whole leg thing is frustrating." I admit.

"It's okay. Just try to have some fun, okay?" He asks.
I smile at him and put my hand on top of his.

A little while later, we join Kevin, Danielle, Kevin's friend Chad and Nick and Kelly at the fire. Kelly gets up to grab a water and when she goes back to Nick, she sits on his lap.

Nick looks a bit surprised, but I look away before he notices I was watching.

"Me and Nick had a great idea." Kevin says.

"What's that?" Danielle asks.

"Me, you, Nick, Kelly, Trinity and Joe should go spend this weekend at camp! It's a beautiful time of year there and it would be a great time for us all to hangout." Kevin says.

I practically choke on my soda, but luckily nobody really notices. I look at Danielle and she is staring at me.

"Doesn't that sound like a good idea?" Nick says and I notice he is staring right at me.

"Yeah, that sounds great." I say.

No. No it doesn't.

"Oh that would be fun!" Kelly says.

"I mean, would we all even fit?" Danielle asks.

Kevin laughs, "duh, there's plenty of room."

"Does it even have heat?" She asks. The poor girl is really trying to help me out.

"There's heaters we can use." Joe says. Great, even he is on board.

"It's settled then. This weekend." Kevin says.

"Yay." I say, trying to put on a smile.

"Great." Danielle says, her enthusiasm as good as mine.

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