chapter 14

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Sorry this chapter is kinda short and unedited 😬 I hope you enjoy it though!

"is this cute? No what about this? Will he think I'm trying to hard? How long has it been?" Hannah picked up her phone and saw twenty messages from her brother begging her to hurry

"It's been thirty minutes!" Hannah threw on a t-shirt sweater and some leggings then rushed back to the living room only to be inveloped into a stifling awkward silence.

"Hey sorry about that someone from work needed to talk to me" Hannah grinned and sat down beside her brother who glared at her

"So, we have your room ready, I'm going to go get a key made so you don't have to knock anymore since this is now your home too. Feel free to move in and make yourself at home" Hannah smiled and made a be line out the door thankful to leave the awkward atmosphere behind for at least a little while.

Bumping her head on the steering wheel Hannah cursed herself for being so awkward "how will we survive if it stays like this?"

Reversing out of her parking spot Hannah made her way to the store to have another house key made

"Of all the people who could have seen the ad and needed a place to stay it had to be mr. handsome, and then to add insult to injury he just happens to be a silent, stoic type!" Hannah made her way through the store not caring if people look at her like she's crazy for grumbling out loud to her self.

"Hey you okay?" A hand went to Hannah's shoulder to stop her

"Eek!!" Squealing Hannah jumped out of the hands reach and spun around to face her assassin.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you, but it sounded like you were upset"

"Oh Abbey right? Sorry I just wasn't expecting anyone haha, no yeah I'm fine... Never better in fact! Thanks for checking though!" With a tight grin Hannah turned and continued her walk to the back of the store where she could get a new key made. This time however she made sure to keep all her thoughts safe in her mind.

Abbey watched slightly confused as the girl left the aisle and walked towards the back, shrugging Abbey made her way back to where she was restocking the shelves

"Hey!" Smiling wide and very fake Hannah leaned against the counter "can I get another key like this one made please?" Handing her key to the man behind the counter.

"Sure would like it to have a picture or just plain?"

"Umm you can put a picture on it!"

"What picture would you like?"

Not wanting to make any sort of decision at the moment she shrugged and replied with a grin "Surprise me" she hoped this wouldn't take long though.

Feeling her phone buzz for the tenth times since she entered the store she sighed. Her brother was driving her crazy but she couldn't blame him, she wouldn't be too happy about being stuck at the house with mr. grumpy and stoic man either.

Grinning with an idea she hit the call button and brought the phone to her ear

"Hey CJ! Do we need any groceries while I'm here? What do you want for supper? Oh ask Okami what he wants to eat tonight and what type of meals he likes!" Trying to hold back her laughter at Cjs grumbling about trying to get the other guy to talk and how he was too antisocial and this whole roommate thing was a horrible idea. "You agreed to this! It wasn't all me. Now stop complaining and go ask him!"

"Fine! Hey Okami! What do you want to eat tonight, Hannah's shopping while the key gets made."

Hannah blushes a little when she heard Okamis gruff voice reply what the heck Hannah get ahold of yourself! No falling for the mysterious and very attractive... no stop thinking those things! He's off limits!

"Hannah are you listening?!"

"What oh sorry" snapping back to the real world Hannah shook her head "what were you saying?"

"He said he's not picky, whatever you want is fine"

"Ughh I hate making decisions!"

"Suck it up! So do I! Get some meat though we are almost out"

"Whatever the keys done now bye!" Hanging up Hannah went up and paid for her key and laughed when they handed it to her. Hopefully Okami likes fluffy kittens.

She then quickly finished shopping and made her way back to rescue her brother from the stifling awkwardness that was now filling their home.

Hi!!! I'm so sorry it's taken so long to update😭😭 a lot has been going on and I'm also struggling with writers block😬 thanks to everyone who reads this! Please vote and let me know what you think!

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