chapter 2

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"Get up! Your going to be late!"

"I don't care let me sleep"

"CJ I swear if you don't get up right now I'm dragging you to school in your pajamas and won't the girls find that nice considering your in nothing but your boxers!" The boy leapt out of bed and shoved you out of the room.

"Your evil!"

"I know!" Hannah sang as she walked away and went to finish her breakfast.

"So first I have to apply for college then I need to go to all the stores hiring then get some gas and groceries, then I need to come home clean and apply to places online..." Hannah spaced out worrying about weather or not the little bit of money they had saved up would be enough to last until she could find a good job.

"I could get a job" her brother walked in wearing nothing but holey jeans.

"Don't be stupid your to young and have school. Are you not wearing a shirt to school? I'm not bailing you out of detention or some crap if you get in trouble." He rolled his eyes and held up a shirt he was holding.

"I just haven't put it on yet dumby"

"Respect your elders!" She shouted as you through a piece of toast at him.

"Eat up your late!" Hannah got up and threw her plate in the sink the ushered the grumbling boy out the door.

"I don't get why I have to go to school today mom and dad died two day ago they would understand if I didn't go" Hannah barely heard his words and she grit her teeth before a tear could fall.

"Mom and dad would want you to keep living like normal, plus I have to run errands and I'm not leaving you home alone right now."

"I'm not a baby! Don't treat me like one!"

"I'm not!" Her voice raised to the point of yelling "but I know they wanted you to get into a good college and I won't be the reason you don't because you want to not go! And I can't leave you alone because I would be freaking out about what if some random sh* happened and you ended up getting hurt!!"

The boys eyes widened and he shut up. Hannah rubbed her eyes "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell or cuss. Please just go to school, please" the car grew silent and when she pulled up to the school CJ got out and barely whispered a goodbye.

Hannah sighed as she watched him leave and pulled out. "Great now he's mad at me" she slammed her hands on the steering wheel and drove away.

                ?? POV

"You sure this is the girl?" The man turned to his partner as they watched the girl go in and out of every shop on the mall.

"Yeah she matches the picture exactly plus her DNA matches."

"And just how did you get her DNA?" The man raised an eyebrow at the man next to him.

"Her house isn't exactly made to keep us out. It was pretty easy to go in and find a piece of her hair."

"Ugh man it's called privacy! How could you just go in like that?"

"Oh yeah and us stalking her like this doesn't invade her privacy??"

"This is different we have to do this you could have found a different way to get her DNA!"

"Dude chill please we are supposed to be professionals"

The two rolled their eyes at each other and turned back to the girl.

"Wait where'd she go? See you made us loose her!"

"Me? You started this!"

"If you too would stop acting like idiots you wouldn't have lost her" the two men whipped around to face the new comer.

"Sorry" the two made faces like punished puppies and turned around to try to find the now lost girl they were supposed to be tracking.

                   End of ?? POV

Hannah turned around again sure that someone was watching her.

"What the heck? I'm getting paranoid" she turned around again and continued her search for a place to work. Turning the corner she saw a cute coffee shop with a now hiring poster on the front.

"Let's hope they like me.. unlike the last dozen places" she frowned and walked into the building. Thigh not crowded it looked like a popular place and she had to wait in line for almost 5 minutes before she got up to the counter.

"Hi how may I help you?" The barista at the front smiled a tired smile at her and waited for Hannah to speak.

"Hi is this place hiring?"

"Yes!" The girl almost shouted and Hannah jumped a little. "Sorry haha yes we are let me go get my hiring manager!" The barista skipped to the back and came back grinning and pulling an older and tired but happy look man.

"This girl is looking for a job!" She all but shoved the man toward Hannah and with a grin have a thumbs up to the two before returning to the customers in line. The older man grinned and shook his head at the girl before turning to Hannah.

"Hi, my name's Mike, I'm the owner, manager and hiring manager at this place." He stuck his hand out to shake Hannah's hand.

"Wow you sound busy" shaking hos hand she couldn't help but smile at the way the man was able to put her at ease and make her feel happy.

"Yup i am but at least I'm never bored!" The man laughed and led her to a table.

"So have you ever been a barista before?"

Yay!! Second chapter is out!!!!
Tell me what you all think!

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