Chapter 17

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"Welcome back Liz"

"Thanks Bough!" Lizzy sent a kiss flying to the bouncer and Hannah just shook her head as she followed the girl into the club. Music blared loud enough to make your ears ring and bodies filled the dance floor. The smell of sweat, alcohol and perfume filled Hannah's senses making her gag.

"People enjoy this?" The crowed room was beginning to make Hannah feel claustrophobic

"Yeah come one you just need a drink and you'll be able to enjoy it more." Lizzy pulled Hannah to the bar and ordered a shot for each of them. "Too the beginning of a great night!" Lizzy tossed her head back and took the shot. "I'm going to dance, wanna come?"

"No I'm just gonna sit here a while"

"Okay stay safe!" Lizzy bounced off to the dance floor and immediately got surrounded by men wanting her.

Hannah smiled softly and took the shot, gagging at the taste she set the shot glass down vowing never to do that again.

Watching her friend dancing and letting loose she wished she could join her so with a set jaw she ordered another shot. Taking the shot she got up and slowly made her way to Lizzy.

"Yes girl! Come on let's dance"

Before she knew what was happening Hannah was laughing and swaying to the beat. Moving her hips in ways she didn't know she could; she felt hot and sexy. She could feel peoples eyes on her but she didn't care.

"I'm thirsty I'm going to get another drink. You want one?"


The girls made their way back to the bar and one more shot quickly turned to three more and a couple of glasses of beer later the girls were waisted.

Giggling at everything the girls went back to the dance floor and began dancing again. This time Hannah found herself against a man and found she liked the feeling of his hips on hers.

Hours later Hannah was exhausted and found a small empty booth in the back. Sipping slowly on a vodka she felt light and free. As she watched Lizzy still out on the dance floor the feeling of another's eyes had her searching the club for the source of the feeling.

Taking another sip her eyes met his and she couldn't help the smile that made its way to her lips.

He wiggled his eyebrows and brought his cup up to make a toast. Laughing Hannah did the same. She watched as he got up walked slowly to her dark booth.


"Hi" Hannah blushed shyly and looked down away from his eyes that seemed to pierce through her wall she'd so carefully constructed.

"I'm Min Joon" his smile made her feel important and she found herself stretching her hand out to shake his.


"It's nice to meet you Hannah"

"You too, want to sit?" Scooting over she made room for him

"Yes thank you" sitting down he looked over at her and grinned "you seemed to be rather bored"

"Just a little, tired of dancing but that's all she wants to do" pointing to Lizzy who was now dancing with an attractive man Hannah laughed

"Ah I see"

"What about you?" Hannah locked eyes with him and decided brown was her new favorite eye color

"Oh you know; just hanging out with the guys when I saw the prettiest girl I've ever seen by herself and I decided I would hate myself tomorrow if I didn't try to talk to her"

"Oh and how's that going"

"Better then I'd ever hoped" he whispered the last part and Hannah found herself leaning closer to him.

They talked for what seemed like hours; Hannah hoped the night would never end.

"Do you want another drink?" Min joon gestured to Hannah's now empty cup

"Oh yeah that'd be great!"

"I'll go get one for you"

While he was getting their drinks hannah found the bathroom and washed her face thankful Lizzy had waterproof eye makeup

"Hannah!?" Back at the table Min joon searched around for Hannah. Setting the drinks down he went to the dance floor to try to find her.

Hannah made her way back to the table just as Min Joon came back "there you are! I freaked out for a second thinking you'd gotten bored and left"

Hannah smiled at his panicked face "no" laughing a little she replied "I just had to use the bathroom"

"Oh sorry"

"It's okay" she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek "it was cute" sitting back at the table she grinned when she saw how red his cheeks had become

Sipping on their drinks they talked some more.

As they were talking Hannah found her self getting hotter and hotter. Her thoughts started to feel foggy and confused and he started looking even more attractive. A weird feeling found it's way across her body and she suddenly very much wanted to kiss him.

As these thoughts were making their way though her head Min Joon was having the same problems and couldn't stop the words that came from his mouth "it's really hot down here do you want to see if they have a room upstairs?"

"Yeah that sounds nice" leaning in Hannah laid her head on his chest

Putting his arm around her he slowly got up and they groggily found their way up the stairs and into a room. As he shut the door Hannah laced her fingers into his hair and his lips found hers. The feeling was amazing and hannah felt euphoric.

The night passed in a blur and Lizzy left in a cab too drunk to realize she left someone behind.

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