chapter 1

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College, fifty percent of people long to go and fifty percent would rather die then step into a school building again. For Hannah she was in the fifty percent that after highschool was over she told herself that she would never study again. She had done her schooling and now she wanted to travel the world and never stay in the same place for more then a couple weeks.

Then one day all her dreams came crashing down along with the plane that held her parents. They had been gone on a business trip and were finally coming home to be with her and her little brother for his fourteenth birthday.

The day of the funeral Hannah didn't just bury her parents she buried her dreams of leaving the small Texas City she called home. She buried her desire to see the world and try new foods and race along the great Wall of China. Hannah kissed it all goodbye and as she cried for her parents and her brother who lost his parents she cried for herself as well. Call her selfish but she cried for the fact that she had just become the one who would raise her little brother and had lost her chance to leave the dust of this small boring town behind.

{Time skip}

That night Hannah and her brother sat up all night crying on the couch until they passed out at dawn. Her alarm went off at eight am the way it had all month since her parents had left.

"CJ it's time for school" Hannah mumbled as she got up just like she had been doing for weeks. Then it crashed into her why she was on the couch with her brother. She collapsed on to her knees as tears fell again.

"Can I stay home today?" The little boy curled up trying to be tough but couldn't hide the tremble of his lips and the tears escaping his eyes.

She stood up and hugged him
"Yes, why don't we have a movie day hm?" She ran her fingers through his hair and hid the tears that fell behind him.

"What will we do now?" Her brother looked to her and she smiled through her pain knowing she had to be tough for him.

"I'll find a job and start taking night classes. You will live like you always have. I promise I'll take care of you okay?" She smiled and pulled him into another hug.

"Tommorow I'll start applying places and find a school for me. But for today let's just stay home and be lazy." The boy nodded and curled up onto her lap and went back to sleep. She ran her fingers through his hair again then moved his head to the couch and went to her room and for the last time she let the tears fall, she let herself feel sorry for herself, she yelled at God and her parents, she cried and whined, she tour her room apart and punched the wall. Finally she callapsed into a ball on the floor and sobbed; she begged her parents to come back, she bargained with God and promised to be the perfect child if only time could go back and she could beg her parents not to get on that plane. For an hour she cried and shouted and for an hour she let herself be a little girl again. But when that hour was up she got up, she wiped her eyes and promised that from that time forward she would be strong, she would provide for her brother and never let him see her struggle or cry she would not let him go hungry or want anything. She cleaned up the mess she had made and bandaged her knuckles. After a long steamy shower she left her room as though nothing had happened. She went to the living room to see her brother still asleep. Picking him up she cuddled him and turned on the TV.

Time skip again

After spending hours losing themselves in whatever show came on next Hannah got up to make supper.

"Welp we won't be going hungry anytime soon" she smiled and chucked looking at all the casseroles and meals that friends and family had made for them.

"CJ what do you want for supper?" Shouting to the next room she heard no reply "CJ?' peaking around the corner she saw him crying as he stared at a picture of him and their parents at the last vacation they had been on. Going to sit by him she side hugged him then got up and went back to the kitchen giving him space to cry in peace.

"I'm thinking meatloaf.. yeah that sounds good" placing the meatloaf in the oven to warm up she leaned against the counter and sighed. It was going to be a long hard year.

Yayyy!! First chapter done!!!! Hope you all enjoy!!

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