Chapter 19

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The next day came more quickly then Hannah would have liked but with a long sigh and an even longer shower she felt like she would be able to face the day with a smile; even if said smile was fake and all she wanted to do was stay in her room and never see the light of outside again.

"Who made breakfast?" Shocked at the sight of warm muffins and Tea steaming from her spot at the table Hannah sat quietly and just stared. Looking around but seeing no one she nibbled at the muffin only to find it was the most delicious thing she had eaten in a long time. Before she knew it the muffin was gone and her tea had become slightly cold.

"Aren't you late for your morning shift?" CJ looked at the clock on the wall before sitting across from his sister.

"Oh shoot!" Hannah checked the time and panic quickly rose as she realized she was indeed late for the shift she promised Lizzy she would cover. "Gotta go see you tonight!" With that Hannah raced to her car and hoped she would make it to her shift before her boss realized she was late.

"Late again Hannah?" Jacob snorted at her flushed face when she came in.

"Shut up"

"Ohhh someone's in a bad mood against" walking over to her he handed her a cup of her favorite drink.

"How'd you know?"

"You always say shut up instead of good morning when you didn't sleep"

"And you pay way to much attention for someone who's crushing on someone else" Hannah grinned as his face reddened and took the cup of steaming milk tea with lavender from him "thanks love; and I don't think she has noticed so your good."

Jacob heaved a sigh and went back to refilling the to go cups "I don't think she will ever like me back" done with the cups he moved on to wiping tables

"Who knows she may yet" Hannah smiled, grabbed another towel and stared helping him

"I doubt it"

"She will!" She slapped him playfully on the arm "I'm sure of it!"

"Then I know it won't happen" grinning back at her Jacob laughed at her hurt face

"And to think I was trying to help you!" She placed a hand over her heart in fake agony

The bell rang announcing the first customer of the day and the two moved to behind the counter ready to start the day

The day stayed busy as customer after customer found their way to the coffee shop "it must be the finals this week; everyone's trying to study" Jacob nodded his head saying he had heard Hannah as he took the order of yet bother tired looking young adult carting around a huge bag of books and a laptop.

"Hey Hannah!" Hannah jerked her head up from the computer to see her little brother and the grump looking but attractive guy she now calls housemate.

"What are y'all doing here? How did you get here?"

"He drove us here on his motorcycle! I said I wanted coffee so he brought me here" CJ grinned then focused his attention on the menu bored. "Now what do I want" mumbling the names of the drinks he found interesting CJ was lost in his own world

"You drove him here on your motorcycle?! What if he had fallen off?? I don't know how you drive! Your insane! You didn't even ask me for permission!" Hannah's face grew red as her temper flared

"Whoa Hannah calm down he was a safe driver and I don't need your permission to go places." Jacob frowned and looked between the two adults. Okame just shrugged and looked at the menu.

"Can I have a vanilla honey latte?" Looking back at Hannah she could have sworn he did puppy eyes for a second.

"Fine" looking down to put in his order she fumed at his nonchalant attitude "did you decide what you wanted?" Looking at CJ she refused to even glance at the other man.

"Yeahhhhh I think" looking around one last time he answered "I want just two shot of espresso" grinning wide he blinked innocently at Hannah

Rolling her eyes she put the order in "that will be nine seventy five." Finally looking at Okame she held her hand out for the card "well you don't expect the kid to pay do you?" Impatiently waving her hand at him she sighed audibly and took her hand down "fine I'll pay for you both."

"No" taking out some cash he handed over a twenty and walked away

"Don't you want your change?" Watching as he walked away Hannah felt a twinge of regret "was I too mean?"

"You think" Cj shook his head and walked after the man.

"I didn't mean to be so rude, I just got angry" Hannah looked after the two for a just a second before she was caught up in another wave of customers.

Finally the day ended and after locking up Hannah and Jacob walked to their cars. "Finally free!" Hannah twirled in a circle making Jacob laugh

"You don't seem like a adult right now you know"

"Who cares!" Sticking her tongue out at him she slid into her car and drove off.

"I'm home!" Hannah looked around to find the house dark and way to quite then it should be with a teenage boy in it. "CJ?" Tossing her keys on the table near the door she looked around the counter into the living room. "Where is he?"

"He went to a friends house"

"Ahh!" Turning quickly Hannah screamed at the sudden voice from the couch. "How long have you been there!?" Clutching her chest Hannah tried to catch her breath "you scared me half to death!"

"Sorry, I've been here the whole time" Okame shrugged and got up "I'm going to bed now"

"Wait!" She held out her hand as if to catch him before he left. "I'm sorry about earlier, I shouldn't have gotten angry at you"

"It's fine, you were just scared"

"Yes but I shouldn't have taken it out on you for just doing what he asked." She looked down at the floor and sighed

"Want to watch a movie?" Okame smirked at her shocked expression

"Sure" Hannah smiled shyly

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