chapter 12

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"CJ, this is Tony!" Hannah grinned at the two boys eyeing each other.

"Hi" Toby awkwardly waved to CJ

"Hi" CJ grunted at the boy making Hannah slap his head. CJ glared at his sister and rubbed his head

"So what kind of icecream do you want?" Hannah looked to toby and smiled

"Oh yeah so sweet to the stranger" CJ grumbled and moved over away from the two and studied the icecream types

"Can I have the mint chocolate chip one?" Toby seemed to have become more shy then before and Hannah wondered why.

"Sure! And which do you think your brother would want?"

"The chocolate"

"Great! Hey CJ you found what you want yet?"

CJ begrudgingly walked back to the two and mumbled out his reply "cookie dough please"

Hannah smiled knowing her brother was upset about a stranger messing up their siblings night out.

They group walked up to the counter to place their order

"Hi can I have one mint chocolate chip waffle cone, one chocolate in a waffle cone, a cookie dough and then one strawberry both those in waffle cones as well please." Hannah smiled at the register boy making him blush as he put in the order.

"Would you stop making guys like you?!" CJ mumbled glaring at the register boy

"Stop, it's not my fault I'm pretty!" Hannah grinned

Toby chuckled at the siblings exchange and glanced at CJ wondering why he seemed to not like him

The register boy brought the icecream to the group and shyly smiled at Hannah as he gave her her icecream last.

"Thank you!" Hannah nearly bounced out the door

"so where do you live let's get this icecream to you brother before it melts"

"Hannah!" CJ near hissed at his sister "you can't just go around to strangers houses!"

"Oh shush Toby isn't going to hurt us, right Toby?" Hannah and CJ looked to the boy who was looking down during the argument

""It's okay I'll just take it myself"

"Nonsense! I won't take no for an answer! Lead the way Toby!"

"No really it's okay,my brothers really shy I can just take it myself"

"But how will you open the door if both your hands are full of melting icecream?"

Toby shrugged

"See? I can help!" Hannah grinned innocencently

Again Toby shrugged and started to lead the way. CJ growled and filled behind mumbling curses about his crazy sister and ruined siblings night and annoying strangers.

"Almost there" they had been walking for about fifteen minutes and Hannah was beginning to think the icecream wasn't a good idea as now her hand was near covered in melted chocolate icecream.

"Great!" Hannah hugged out wishing she exercised more

"Told you it wasn't a good idea" CJ mumbled laughing at his sister

"Oh shut up" finally after a couple more minutes they came up to what looked like a deserted house

"This is where you live?!" Hannah looked at the place in horror then back to the boy with worry "are you okay? Do you have parents? Do you have enough food?!" Hannah started major worrying about the boy and his brother.

"I take care of my brother we don't need parents or a strangers help!" Toby shouted out grabbed the icecream and raced inside slamming the door behind him.

"Toby I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Hannah knocked on the door "Toby?! Toby are you okay?!"

Hannah heard arguing inside the building and she tried to listen in. Maybe be rude but at this point she was rather worried about the boy.

"Why did you let her follow you?!"

"She wouldn't take no for an answer!"

"Now you hurt her! Go out and apologize!"

"No! If she thinks I'm a jerk maybe she won't worry about us"

"Just at least say thank you"

"Which of us is the older one?!"

"Really?! By like ten minutes and let's be honest we aren't even really related anymore"

Hannah was getting more and more confused

"Just go say thank you and let her know we are alright she seemed so nice when I met her"

"Ugh fine you are so annoying"

Toby slowly opened the door and Hannah scurried back to CJ who was just watching in an way that he tried to look uninterested but in reality was very curious.

Toby peaked his head out "sorry for yelling at you especially since you were so nice to us. Thank you for the icecream. But you really don't need to worry about us. We are fine" Toby smiled at the siblings and closed the door.

Hannah hesitated then shouted through the now shut door.

"Did your brother like his icecream?!" She leaned against the door and squealed when suddenly the door fell open and she was laying on her stomach now inside the building

"Hannah!" CJ raced to his sister and helpers her up.

"Are you okay?!" In moments there were three boys faces looking down at her

"Hey I know you!" Hannah looked to the boy who had to have been tobys brother except he looked nothing like his brother. He had red hair and was very pale. Hannah instantly recognized him as the fox looking boy who had come into the coffee shop a while back.

"Hi! Your coffee is amazing and thanks for the icecream!"

Hannah looked between the two brothers in confusion "you two are brothers? And he's the older one?" Hannah pointed to toby who looked at least a year maybe two years younger then the "younger" brother.

"Heh yeah I grew faster then him" the red head laughed and rubbed his brothers hair

"Stop it!" Toby smacked his brothers hand away with a frown.

"Oh" Hannah still looked confused though

"I was adopted" the brothers laughed at her confusion as to why they looked so different

"Ohh oh okay" Hannah laughed a little "sorry for breaking in, I didn't mean too" the brothers laughed a little awkwardly

"It's okay"

"I'll go now" Hannah rubbed her neck and her face blew up red as she walked out with her brother

Toby's pov

"Great she recognized you" Toby smacked his brother

"You were the one to approach her tonight! Now she's worrying about the two orphan boys in the creepy abandoned house!"

"I just made a comment to something she said I didn't think she'd decided I needed icecream!"

"Ugh boss is going to be mad if he finds out"

"If! Haha if is good!" Toby grinned "now come on let's get to sleep" Toby's brother grinned back and the two plopped onto the couch and passed out

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