Chapter 18

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The light shined through the window hitting Hannah's face. Reaching a hand up to cover her eyes a sharp pain racked her head and she groaned holding her head she sat up and looked around. Panic raced through her when she saw she wasn't at her home. Looking around she gasped when she saw the man laying beside her. Pulling the sheet up she cover herself and tears filled her eyes. Trying to stand she fell down after one step. Holding herself around the waist she let the tears fall. Her phone rang and she clumsily stood again trying to get the phone before it woke up the stranger she had evidently given her virginity to. Seeing lizzy's name across her screen she quickly answered

"Lizzy you have to help me!"

"Where are you? What happened!"

"Lizzy I" she sobbed into the phone " please come get me. I'm still at the club"

"I'm on my way"

Hannah sat the phone back where it was and slowly got back into the bed. Rolling over she pretended to be asleep as the tears fell she stiffened when she heard him groan as he sat up.

"Oh shit. What did I do" she felt him get all the way up and start to pace. "Dads going to kill me!" The panic in his voice nearly matched hers.

"I can't let him know! I have to leave quickly" there was pain in his voice and she almost asked him what he meant

She heard him gather up his clothes and then there was silence for a minute before she peaked open her eyes and saw him leave the room. Sitting up after he left she looked around and noticed a piece of paper on her phone

I don't remember your name, or pretty much anything that happened last night. If we did what I think we did I'm sorry. I wasn't in my right mind. If I hurt you or your future in any way I want to help. I wouldn't be any good for you so I won't leave my name or number but if you need me the owner of this club can get in contact with me so tell him if you need anything and I'll be able to help. I'm sorry again for anything I did last night

The letter ended there and Hannah just sat completely confused and lost. As she sat numb with the letter in her hand Lizzy burst through the door

"Oh my gosh! Hannah what happened?!" Tears filled lizzy's eyes at the sight of her friend and she sank to her knees "this is all my fault, I'm so sorry Hannah"

"It's fine Lizzy I'm okay" forcing a smile Hannah slowly and painfully got dressed and sat beside her friend "let's go home please, Cj's probably freaking out; but please don't tell him what happened. If he asks we were watching movies all night last night and I fell asleep."

Lizzy nodded and helped Hannah down the stairs. Hannah stared at the man in a picture on the wall that had the words owner underneath it. A tear fell from her eyes and she righted her jaw and turned away.


"Are you sure your okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired. I think I'm going to take a long bath and then call in sick tonight"

"I'll cover for you then"


Lizzy smiled and backed out of the driveway while Hannah quietly opened the door to her house

She tiptoed through the house and into her bathroom. Starting the water for a bath she stripped herself and stared at her reflection in the mirror for the second time in less then twenty four hours. This time however she wasn't admiring her self but staring at the bruises she knew where from his mouth that littered her body.

With a sigh she turned away and sank into the steaming water. "I wish I could go back and never agree to going" in the quite of the early morning she allowed herself to sob; the tears falling from her face mixed with the water that covered her and she let herself think that the water was washing away the events of the last year.

Feeling slightly better Hannah limped into her room and put on a hoodie and leggings, after braiding her hair into two pigtails she searched for her little brother and found him watching some superhero show in the living room

"Hannah! Where were you?!"

"Sorry buddy I went over to lizzy's house last night to watch a movie and I fell asleep. I didn't mean to scare you" with a small smile she sat down beside him and pulled him into a hug.

He moved close and laid his head on her stomach. Holding back a gasp of pain Hannah smiled at the sight and moved her fingers through his hair happy for this moment of peace.

Hannah looked up when Okame walked in "good morning" Hannah gave a slight smile up at him

He nodded back to her but did a double take when he saw Hannah; giving her a weird look he sat down at the kitchen table and stared at her long enough for her to wonder if he knew. His stare was beginning to make her fidget and feel very uncomfortable.

"So what do you two want for breakfast" speaking way to loud and fake happy Hannah got up and walked to the kitchen. "I'm good with just tea but I can make y'all anything you'd like"

"I was just going to have a bowl of cereal" Cj yelled from the living room

"Just tea is fine" Okame mumbled from his spot at the table where he was still watching her with a funny look in his eyes.

"Okay then" setting a pot on to warm up the water for tea Hannah pulled out her phone and busied herself looking through Facebook until the pot began to whistle. Pouring herself and Okame water into mugs for the tea she felt herself getting sad again and quickly grabbed her mug and fled to the safety of her room where she grabbed her cat and a book and lost herself in another world for the rest of the day.

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