Chapter 24

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Hannah curled up in the far corner of the cell and tried to make herself invisible. The cell was full of other people and most seemed to deserve to be there. She was terrified and felt small and weak compared to all the others in there. The town only had two holding cells and she supposed she was in the safer of the two but even this one seemed too wrong for her. She shifted in her spot and almost puked when her hand came down on a dark slightly wet spot on the concrete. Pulling her legs closer to her she hugged her knees and watched the other people talk and make jokes around her.

Hours seemed to pass and another person was escorted into the cell. This guy seemed different then the others he grinned with a cocky attitude when he met her eyes and winked at her before turning to the cell door and hanging his arms out and proceeded to flirt with the cell guard. His hair was near white and his eyes though cocky also seemed to hold a concern in them. He was open but also guarded. His clothes were much to rich to be here. He had tattoos up his arms that she couldn't decider. Decided she'd ogled him enough Hannah turned away and focused on a spot on the ground in front of her hoping she'd be able to leave soon.

"so how'd you end up here?" The voice shocked Hannah resulting in a rather undignified squeak. Raising her eyes she came face to face with the handsome man who had come in last.

"Broke some girls nose on accident" mumbling her reply Hannah scooted back trying to put more distance between her and the too close for comfort man but he only inched forward until she was against the wall.

"On accident?"

"She called me a slut so I tripped her and she hit her nose! Okay? Leave me alone" crossing her arms she pouted but he only threw his head back and laughed.

"Want to get out of here?" He grinned wide but Hannah could have sworn she saw concern flash through his eyes when he looked down at her

"Duh, but I'm stuck"

"I can fix that" he smirked then got up and with a pat on her head he sauntered back towards the doors and threw a lazy smirk to the guards.

Hannah's mind raced at the meaning behind his words but soon gave up and as the lights faded with the day she felt her eyes fall closed. Fear shook through her at what could happen should she truly fall asleep so with a jump Hannah quickly stood and began to pace across the back of the cell trying to wake herself up.

"Get some sleep princess I'll make sure no one touches you" Hannah met the eyes of the man who'd said he'd get her out but doubt shadowed her eyes.

"How do I know you won't touch me"

"I guess you'll just have to trust me" the insufferable man smirked and Hannah rolled her eyes but she was exhausted and something about the man felt familiar so with a small nod she slowly sat down and curled into a ball behind the man and soon sleep overtook her. The last thing she felt was him softly moving her hair away from her face.

Hannah woke to voices raising high and higher.

"What's going on!" The man crouched In front of her covering her with his arms.

"Sounds like someone broke out of the other cell." A grin split his face and Hannah thought he might be crazy.

"Remember when I said I'd get you out?" Hannah nodded at his question "then get ready"

"What? Your crazy!"

His eyes shown with excitement but Hannah just grabbed his arm and held tight. An alarm blared and men rushed past the cell. Soon a boy who seems no older then fifteen was at the door and with a nod to the man in front of Hannah the boy quickly picked the lock and as the door ripped open the man grabbed her arm and ran. A man tried to grab at her but with a spin and swing the guy leading Hannah put the man on the floor and they raced out of the cell and soon were rushing down the street.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To safety before they find you again"


"There's a lot of people after you princess including the police because they'll soon find out your gone"

"But my brother! I have to get him!"

"He'll be fine I'll send someone to tell him your okay"

"Who are you!" Hannah stopped suddenly and ripped her arm away from the man.

"I'm the guy trying to keep you safe!" Reaching for her arm the man tried to grab her but Hannah stepped back again and hugged her middle.

"Safe from what?"

"It doesn't matter right now. What matters is getting you somewhere safe so let's go!" Hannah plopped herself on the ground and refused to look at the man.

"Not until you tell me what the hell is going on!" Yelling the words she finally turned to him and glared. "I don't even know who you are and I'm supposed to just run off into the sunset with you and leave everything I know and love behind?"

Sighing deep and rubbing his temples he looked down at her. "My names Koa, and your not leaving everything you love behind" at this he looked to her stomach then to her eyes an emotion swam past in his eyes but was gone before she could decide what it meant "and we're running because we both just broke out of jail! Now please come before they catch up!" Hannah nodded and reached up her hand. With a tug she was up. He kept her hand firmly in his as the zigzagged through the city until she could barely move her feet another step.

"Almost there" Hannah barely registered his words and with one last step she stumbled onto him. Catching her in his arms he carried her the last couple of minutes before he stopped in front of an out of the way hotel. Pulling a key out of his pocket he unlocked the door and carefully lowered her onto the bed.

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