chapter 6

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It had been a month since the death of Hannah's parents.

"We need to clean out their room" it was Saturday and Hannah had woken CJ up early to try to get this job done as quickly and painless as possible.

"No I don't want to it'll be like we're leaving them behind!" CJ buried his head under his blankets and refused to look at his sister.

"CJ they would want us to keep living and we need extra money, we could rent the room out."

CJ wiped his eyes and peaked out from under the blanket.

"I want a say in who lives with us" he crossed his arms glaring at her. He knew what she said was right and he had been watching his sister struggle every day with bills and could see how tired she was no matter how hard she tried to cover it up.

"Deal" Hannah sighed in relief and together they went to the room at the end of the house and slowly opened the door to the room that their parents had lived in for 20 years.

"I never thought we would have to be doing this" Hannah looked down at her brother and smiled sadly. She side hugged him and walked forward.

1 hour later

"Hannah! You remember this?" CJ tossed a signed baseball to her.

"Oh my gosh! This was from that day dad took us all to see the Rangers play!"

The siblings both smiled in thought of that happy day.

"Yo you looked so chubby!" Hannah held up a photo from CJs fifth birthday.

"I swear if you show that to anyone I will strangle you!"

"But you were so cute!" Hannah made baby sounds to the picture and danced it around.

"I hate you" CJ grimaced at the sight and continued sorting through stacks of papers

"No you don't!" Hannah grinned and set the picture in a keep stack.

"Hey Hannah what's this?" CJ tossed an official looking document to her.

"Looks like some form of contract?"

Hannah slowly opened the envelop making sure not to tear the paper inside. Unfolding the paper she scanned the contents. Eyes widening she quickly crumbled the paper and tossed it into the trash.

"Hey what was that?" CJ looked confused and went to the trash to read the paper.

"CJ leave it. It's just an old bill." Hannah's voice shook a little making CJ even more unsure.

"If it's just an old bill why are you so upset?" Hannah shook her head

"CJ please just leave it" her voice to a whisper at the end of the sentence.

"Fine" CJ walked back to the corner he had been working on. "Your acting weird" CJs brows scrunched as he stared at her.

Hannah breathed deeply before speaking "it was just a bill from when I broke my arm, I didn't know they had to pay so much to the doctor" Hannah smiled.

The problem with being close siblings is that after so many years you know almost all there is to know about each other in this case CJ knew exactly how to tell when Hannah was lying. Every time she lies she bites her lip.

"Sure if you say so" CJ watched as she bit her lip before smiling

"Yup that's all it was" Hannah grinned before continueing to look through the giant stack of papers and boxes she had around her. Rolling his eyes he made up his mind to sneak the paper out of the trash later when she was at work.

An hour later they had finally gone through everything and cleaned up the room.

"I'll put the room up for rent tomorrow then" CJ sniffled a little before nodding and going back to his room.

Sighing Hannah made her way to the living room and turned on the TV.

"Finally some time to relax" her favorite show had just came on when an email notification made her phone go off. Lazily looking at it she screamed in frustration.

*Can I not have five minutes to myself!"

CJ came running into the room with a baseball bat "whats wrong why'd you scream?!"

"The college wants me to come on for placement testing in thirty minutes! Ugghhhhhhh" CJ lowered the bat

"You know you really make me mad sometimes" grumbling he went back to his room, before shutting his door Hannah heard him shout out "good luck on your tests!"

Hannah smiled at that then got up to get ready to leave.

Ten minutes later and fully dressed and ready to leave she leaned down to stroke her kitten "wish me luck Bianca" the kitten arched her back to get pet more and mewed. Hannah laughed and left the house.

"Is she gone?" CJ looked out the door of his room. "I guess so" despite the fact he knew she was gone he couldn't help but tiptoe till he reached the trash can.

"I can't believe I'm dumpster diving to satisfy my curiosity" he mentally face palmed himself as he looked around hoping to spot the paper without having to dig around.

"Ah found it" reaching down he pulled out the crumbled paper. Unfolding it he quickly scanned over the paper his eyes widening and the paper fell from his hands.

"What!? How!? Why?" He couldn't form a full sentence trying to understand what he had just read.

This Contract signifies the first party agrees to raise the child of the second party till the day that the second party has need of the child. The first party agrees to never speak of the second party till the day it becomes absolutely necessary.

Signed by First Party- Thomas Roberts, Sun Min Roberts

Signed by Second Party- Lee So Jung, Lee Soo May

CJ sank to the floor and stared at the contract. "My sister isn't my sister?"

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