Chapter 28

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After everyone finished laughing and ate the rest of their food they all sat around the table trying to discuss what the plan was now. Hannah was staring at Okame with so much intensity it was actually making him uncomfortable.

"Why are you staring at him?" Cj looked at his sister as though she'd grown horns

"Why do you always where that beanie?" Hannah blurted it out making Koa laugh but the twins and Okame stiffened. "What? Did I ask something wrong?" Their reactions made Hannah embarrassed that she'd asked "never mind then" crossing her arms and pouting a little Hannah refused to meet any of their eyes

"Oh just tell her already so we can move on. She's sure to find out anyway if we end up meeting her father"

Okame sighed and slowly removed his hat. Hannah and Cj both gasped and looked harder sure they were seeing wrong. Poking up out of his hair were two ears that looked like wolf ears. "What? How"

"It was an experiment the Mafia did years before your dad took over. I don't know all the science behind it but essentially they were trying to making soldiers with heightened senses and decided to mix DNA from different animals with new born babies to create hybrids." Okame sat silent while Koa explained what he was. "They kidnapped around fifty babies within about five years, out of those fifty around ten survived to adulthood. They all now work for the mafia."

"Oh" Hannah's response was soft. She tilted her head at him and grinned "can I touch them?" Okame jerked his head up. Koa laughed again making Hannah blush

"Uh sure" grinning Hannah got up and walked around the table. Slowly she reached up and touched the tip of his ear. When he leaned his head closer to her she smiled wide and rubbed it like she used to rub CJs dogs ear. After a couple minutes she went to sit back down. Okame stared at her the whole time.

"You said only ten survivors? That's terrible!"

"It's okay miss Hannah" Toby spoke up and smiled at her.

"Are you two some of them" the twins nodded fast

"Do y'all have animal ears? No you can't you don't wear a hat." The boys laughed

"Not all of us have animal parts, Okame was one of the first so they were still not sure about everything they were doing. We were some of the last they understood more and realized that animal parts would kind of give us away. However Charlie has fox eyes when he is angry" pointing to his brother Toby grinned.

"Yeah and when he gets to happy he purrs like a kitten"

"Hey!" Laughing Charlie pet his brothers head "it's okay kitty kitty"

"Are you real brothers?" Cj finally spoke up

"Kind of, we call ourselves twins because we were born and kidnapped the same night. Charlie they used a fox but I was a panther." Shrugging the twins pulled out they're phones done with the conversation.

"Okay so what is the plan now?"

Koa sat up and pulled out his phone "I already have two tickets with fake ids ready for Hannah and I. I didn't realize we would be running into you guys so I don't have any extras.

"We have ours ready as well as some for Hannah and Cj" Okame grinned "guess you'll have to choose who you go with" looking at Hannah his ears twitched.

"Umm I don't know" getting up Hannah walked out of the kitchen, not wanting to make a decision now she walked outside. Exploring out the house she found a small creek she sat down putting her feet in the water and sighed deeply. Looking up at the sky she closed her eyes and let herself relax.

"Did you have to make her choose like that? She's already stressed enough!" Cj glared at the two older boys

Okame and Koa looked sheepish and apologized

"What's the plan after we leave here?" Cj looked between the two adults and waited

"I guess we travel together to California and hope by then we either manage to get a flight together or Hannah chooses who she goes with.

"Okay" they spent the next two hours going over ways to get to California while under the police and mafias radar. Koa and Okame had vastly different ideas but they finally settled on a plan.

As they put away the maps Toby looked up from his phone "where's Hannah? It's been hours and she hasn't come back yet"

"Probably sleeping since she didn't get much sleep last night" The two then got up to make sure she was safe. Looking everywhere in the house they started to panic when they realized she wasn't anywhere in the cabin.

"Didn't you tell her to stay inside or right out the front?"

"No I wasn't planning on staying long enough for her to wonder off! You guys came and ruined that!"

"Ugh!" Okame raced out side with Koa fast on his heels

"You look that way I'll look the other" the two separated and started searching around the cabin.

The light was fading when Koa finally found her asleep next to the creek. Sighing with relief he slowly made his way to her and sat down beside her.

"Hannah, Hannah wake up" softly shaking her shoulder he watched as her eyes slowly shuttered open "we need to head out soon"

"Tired" Hannah rolled over and landed in his lap. Hugging his middle she curled up on his lap and soon was asleep again. Koa couldn't breath for fear of her waking and realizing who she was hugging.

"Okay five more minutes" stroking her hair he smiled down at her

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