Chapter 23

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Finally hit 1k thank you all so much for reading my story!! I hope you all are enjoying it! 💜💜

It was dark outside by the time that Hannah made it to the house. Tiptoeing to her bed she stripped and collapsed into the bed and sobbed into her pillow.

Light hit her eyes and Hannah groaned. She didn't know what time her body gave into sleep but she knew it wasn't very long ago. Picking up her phone she saw Lizzy's name as it rang.

"Ugh hello?"

"Girl where are you? Your shift started an hour ago!"

"I'm sick I can't come in today. I'm so sorry"

"Okay I'll call Jacob in, feel better soon!" Her perky voice grated on Hannah's nerves and she quickly hung up. Groaning and turning onto her stomach Hannah tried to fall asleep but the movement and pressure on her stomach soon had her rushing to the bathroom. Decided to go ahead and get stuff down today Hannah changed into a extra large shirt that used to be her dads and shorts that she'd had for years now.

Walking into the kitchen she waved slowly to the boys and collapsed into her chair.

"You okay?" Cj looked worried

"I swear if one more freaking person asks that I will scream!" Shoving back from the table she went to make tea and then screamed in aggravation

"What?" Both boys jumped and turned to her

"Don't we have any tea without caffeine?"

"No I don't think so. Why do we need some?" Cj scrunched his brow "you've never wanted that before?"

"Because caffeine can hurt the stupid baby!" Getting a glass Hannah stomped back to the table.

"What baby?" Cj looked between Hannah and Okame.

"I'm pregnant Cj" the sentence was whispered and hannah refused to meet her little brothers eyes

"What?! Okame did you? How? Why? Who? I mean what?!"

"I don't know who Cj. Lizzy took my clubbing about a month ago and I got drunk."

"When do you know what it is?" Cj knew his sister was hurting but at the same time he was excited to be an uncle. "I'm an uncle woohoo!"

Hannah looked up at that and a small smile reached her lips "yeah i guess you are. It'll be a while before we know though"

"Well tell me as soon as you know! I've got to go to school see you later!" Cj rushed out of the house to the bus.

"He took that well" Okame looked where the boy had been sitting.

"Yeah he's pretty mature for his age" Hannah looked at her stomach "I think it's a girl" smiling at the thought of the dress she had saved from the mud yesterday.

Then the memory of the girl she's accidentally caused to break her nose came rushing back, and remembered that her car was in the stores parking lot. Sighing Hannah got up to call a tow truck and find a place to get it fixed.

After hanging up Hannah went to ask Okame to take her to the store since she didn't get her ice cream but on her way pass the door the bell rang.

Wondering who was there she slowly opened the door to see police men there.


"Are you Hannah Roberts?"

"Yes I am, what's going on?"

"You need to come with us. We have a warrant for your arrest on the charges of assault"

"What?!" Her scream brought Okame to the door and he leaned over her with his arm around and pulling her back to him.

"Who brought these charges" his voice was deep and commanding. Hannah wanted to stay there forever in the safety of his arms but she knew she couldn't

"I know who." Whispering the words Hannah slowly removed his arm from around her "take care of Cj please"

She followed the police and with one last look at her house she got into the police cruiser and cried.

Okame slammed the door shut and called his boss.

"Sir I'm bringing her tonight."

"I know it's too early but something happened and she needs to leave"

"Yes sir"

"No I don't need help"

After his conversation with his boss he called his partner

"48 find a way to get her out of jail without causing suspicion"

Slamming his phone down he paced around the house wondering what to do about her brother

"She just had to go and hurt someone!"

"Annoying, suborn woman!" Smiling at the last thought he slowed his pacing and went to pack her some clothes and other things she would need. He stopped when he saw the small dress in the counter of her room. Slowly picking it up he grinned and carefully packed it too. After getting all her things he went to her brothers room and did the same there.

After packing everything the three would need he left the house to meet up with the boys he worked with.

"Did you find a way?"

"It's a little complicated but we think we can get her out"

"She knows you both as little orphans I don't think she'll follow your lead on a prison breakout."

"She'll have to"

Okame sighed and rubbed his face in thought.

"48 you get her brother 49 and I will get her"

"Yes sir" the two twins grinned and did a mock salute before racing away to pack the little they had brought on the mission.

"This is going to be a fun night" grinning to himself Okame made his way to the jail where she was being kept.

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