Chapter 22

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Hannah woke to the ever increasingly familiar feeling of needing to puke her guys out. Gritting her teeth she slowly sat up hoping not to make it worse. Breathing deeply she counted to ten and stood up. When nothing came up from her stomach she grinned and placed a hand on her stomach.

"I guess we're in for a long ride huh little one" smiling softly she forced the fear she felt rising back down and made her way to the kitchen.

"Good morning!" She sang loudly as she entered the kitchen area causing both boys to jump a little in their seats.

"Really Hannah?"

Grinning wide at her brothers flushed face she grabbed a piece of toast and began to butter it

"Didn't you say you had work early today?" Okame looked from the clock to her and raised an eyebrow as he watched her eyes widen at the reminder

"Crap! Ughhh" running from the room she raced to her bedroom and found the first acceptable outfit and ran out the door without so much as a goodbye and sped as much as possible without getting a ticket.

Running into the coffee shop she grinned sheepishly at Jacob who just cocked an eyebrow and did his best to keep from laughing at her rumpled look.

"Your late"

"Shut up" her grumpy reply broke his restraint and his laughter followed her into the back where she clocked in.

"Hannah! Are you okay? You look exhausted" Hannah's boss leaned against his office door and his brows furrowed in concern for the young girl.

"Yeah just got a late start to the day, think I might have allergies or something" Hannah smiled wide hoping he'd accept the lie and not push

"Okay, if you continue feeling bad take a day and just rest okay" tuning back into his office he shooed her away to start her day

"You look like death"

"Wow how sweet of you" rolling her eyes at the boy Hannah smacked Jacob's head as she passed him on her way to wipe the tables

"I already did that"

"Well I'm doing it again"


"Because I want to!" Her patience was running out and she grit her teeth to hold back any more biting comments

"Okayyy" Jacob watched her his eyes full of confusion and an emotion she refused to acknowledge.

"Is Lizzy working today?" Looking up from the last table Hannah leaned against the edge "I wanted to ask her something in person"

"Don't think so" testing the shot he just pulled he spoke after finishing it "she said last night she was visiting her mom today"

"Didn't she say she never wanted to see her mom again?"

"I guess they had a long talk last night and made up" shrugging his shoulders back Jacob leaned against the counter "what did you want to ask? I might be able to help?"

"Nothing important"

"Your lying"

"What? Why would you say that" crossing her arms she glared at him

"Because you always look to the left then up then meet my eyes whenever you lie

"Hmph well it doesn't matter."

"Someone's testy today"

Refusing to reply to his comment Hannah turned around and started wiping the tables again. After wiping them all for the third time she heaved a sigh and went to stand behind the counter, refusing to look at the man she worked with she stared out the window and waited for the crowds to come and hoped it would be a fast day.

"See you tomorrow!" Jacobs insufferable grin vanished as he slid into his car and Hannah watched him drive away before getting into her car and making her way to the store for ice cream since she finished all they had the other day.

"Hey how are you!" The girl she'd met the other day smiled like the sun when she turned the corner and say Hannah with two half gallons of the ice cream in her arms. "Oh not great huh?"

"Not the best" smiling sheepishly Hannah slowly put one back embarrassment flaming her face

"Girl don't put it back I totally understand, in fact the other day I got even more then you have now and I added cheesecake too." Laughing loudly she took the ice cream Hannah had put back and gave it to her. "Take it and I hope you feel better soon. If you need anyone to talk to I'm here" smiling sweetly Abbey left the aisle to go help another customer.

A tear mad it's way down Hannah's cheek. Angrily swiping it Hannah put one back again and went to check out. On her way she passed the baby clothes aisle and she stopped cold. Unconsciously she held a hand to her stomach. As if I'm a trance she walked into the aisle and looked at all the clothes. Running a hand over each one she came to she stopped dead and looked at a tiny deep green dress with white lace top. A tear fell as she looked at it and before she could change her mind she grabbed the dress and ran to check out. Carrying the bag of  ice cream and the dress Hannah found her car and turned the key only for the engine to sputter then die. Groaning loudly Hannah tried again and again but it refused to start. Banging her hands against the steering wheel she screamed in frustration and laid her head on the wheel. Breathing deeply she got out and started towards the bus station.

After fifteen minutes the station came into her view and Hannah heaved a sigh. Huffing she started walking faster only to be thrown back as a person ran into her. Her bag of ice cream fell into the street and the baby dress fell into a puddle.

"Watch where your going!"

"You watch it your the one that hit me!" Jumping to the dress Hannah yelled at the person

"Huh a slut as well as a clutz" laughing loudly the person went to move around Hannah.

Glaring up at the person Hannah slung her leg out causing the person to fall face first. A loud crack and screaming followed. Hannah looked back and saw that the person had broken their nose. Getting up quickly Hannah ran to the first building she saw. Not paying attention to where she was she hid behind the door and took deep breaths hoping to calm her heart.

"You okay miss?" Looking up at the voice Hannah saw she was at the club Lizzy had taken her to. Glaring at the bar tender who was also the person who could get in touch with the man who did this to her. Hannah stormed towards the man and shoved her hand into her purse and slammed the positive pregnancy test on the bar.

"No! No I'm not okay you and tell that guy it's his fault!" Crying Hannah raced from the bar and ran to her house.

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