chapter 5

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PS: I write in italics if the person is thinking things. Also the boy in the picture above is kind of how I imagine CJ to look.

?? POV

"We have been watching person after person go in to get coffee and food! I'm starving!"

"So? We have to keep an eye on her and you know it?"

"So why not go get food and coffee and keep an eye on her inside?"

"Oh yes that sounds perfect let's walk up to her and say hi yes we are being paid to basically stalk you my friend here even broke into your house to steal hair so we could make sure it's you! Yeah can I get a coffee please it's tiring to watch you all day! By the way what's your kitten and puppies names they are cute? Sounds good right? Idiot"

"She hasn't seen us as far as she would be concerned we are just normal customers!"

"Would you too please stop arguing!" The two turned to the one behind them and frowned

"What do you think? Could we get some coffee please?"

"One of you can go get the rest of us food, it might be a good idea to meet her I'm sure our boss wants to know what she sounds like."

"Yasss! I'm going!" Before the others could say anything he leapt off the roof and floated over to the door.

"The idiot!" The one who gave permission rubbed his temples in frustration.

End of ?? POV

"Hi welcome to Bean There Coffee Shop!" Hannah welcomed the dorky looking teenage boy that just walked through the door. "Oh my gosh he's so cute! If he were an animal I'd peg him as a sweet little fox" Hannah smiled as the boy walked up to the counter, the rush had just ended and there were only a couple of people in the shop.

"Hi" he smiled shyly at the girl and looked up at the menu "can I have three Lattes and three ham sandwiches and six cookies?"

"Of course! Would you like a drink carrier and a bag for all that?"

"Yes please mam" Hannah's eyes widen at the mam part "what the heck I'm only like 3 years older then this dude?!" Typing on the order she looked back up at him.

"That will be fourty five dollars please" the boy blinked at the amount and pulled out some money.

"Thank you and your food will be right out." With a smile she turned to warm up the cookies and put the sandwiches in bags. After about four minutes the food was ready and she turned back to the boy to give him his food only to find him staring at her. When he saw her notice his stare he blushed and looked down. Thinking he found her cute Hannah smiled and handed the food to him without a comment and as he walked away she shouted for him to enjoy the food and drinks and to come again.

"Looks like someone has a new admirer" Jacob grinned at the exchange he had just witnessed.

"Oh shut up please" Hannah grinned making Jacob laugh.

Time skip
?? POV

That night walking to her car once again Hannah felt the weird feeling of being watched. Looking all around her she couldn't see anyone though.

"Am I going crazy" talking aloud to herself made her look crazy at least to anyone who was around. Lucky no one was around. No one that is except the three men on the roof perched like owls watching as she got into her car and drove away.

"So do we follow her or report back to the boss?"

"I will follow her you two go back and report everything."

"Okay, see you around then" the two brothers saluted the man then left leaving no trace that they had ever even been there except the man they left behind shaking his head in amusement at the two who were no doubt already arguing about something.

The man made his way to the ground and grabbed the motorcycle he had hidden behind some trash cans. Starting it up he followed after the way the girl had taken not moments before.

"Not that it matters to me but I wonder why the boss is so intent on knowing so much about this girl."

Rolling his eyes at the weird job he had been given the man parked a block away from the girls house and quietly moved closer to the place where she and her brother lived. A smile cracked through his tough facade when he heard the girl loudly call for her brother and kitten. Mentally slapping himself for smiling he turned around and went into the house he had bought right across the street.

End of ?? POV

"CJ! I'm home what did you have for dinner? Ahh my kitty how was your day?" Hannah scooped down to cuddle the kitten before making her way to the kitchen. Rummaging through the refrigerator she found some enchiladas and stuck a few in the microwave to warm up.

"CJ?! You alive?"

"Hannah gosh it's like one in the morning why are you yelling?!"

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I completely forgot!" Hannah face palmed herself
"Sorry CJ! You can sleep now" Hannah grinned and turned to go back to the kitchen.

"Ugh you need help" CJ mumbled as he closed the door to the room behind him.

"Yeah yeah love you too!" Hannah sang out before stuffing her face with the delicious Mexican food.

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