chapter 3

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"I got the job!!" Hannah bounced back to her car making circles and dancing "I can't believe they hired me!! And I start at eleven an hour plus tips?!? This can't be real!!" She squealed and started up the car. "Sighhh now to just find a school that I can take classes that won't mess with my work hours" Hannah looked at the clock and cursed
" ** I'm late! Oh man he's going be so mad!" Hannah sped to the school getting flipped off by dozens of cars she cut off. As she jerked to a stop she saw her brother sitting on the wall head in his hands. Frowning at the sad form she got out and walked up to him.

"I'm so sorry I'm late" the boy looked up at her and gave her a small smile

"Did you find a job?"

"Yep! I get start tomorrow too!" She smiled as he jumped up and gave her a hug.

"Congratulations sis!" They walked to the car and for a moment she forgot about how sad he had looked only moments before.

In the car and on the way home she remembered how sad he had looked "so how was school today?"

"Fine" the short reply caused her eyebrow to raise

"Was it?" She looked over to see the boy frowning

"No not really."

"What happened?"

"Don't worry about it I'm fine"

"Tell me what happened CJ" Hannah nearly whispered trying not to scare her baby brother away from telling her.

Sighing he finally told her "my girlfriend dumped me"

"What! Why!??" Hannah pulled to a stop on the side of the road and turned to look at her brother.

"She said she couldn't deal with a depressed orphan and told me to get over it"

"That b* where is she!" Hannah nearly jumped out of the car before CJ grabbed her arm

"Don't Hannah! It's fine I was going to break up with her later anyway." He mumbled out the words and Hannah knew every bit of it was crap.

"How could she be so heartless?! The times i met her she seemed so sweet" CJ shrugged

"Can we just go home"

"Fine but you can bet if I ever see her on the coffee shop she's getting a very interesting drink!" CJ cracked and smile and couldn't help but picture his big sister spitting in his ex's drink and filling it with salt. A chuckle found its way out his mouth and soon the car was filled with sad but joyful laughter. The kind of laughter that is laced with sadness but also the hope that soon you can be happy again.

Pulling up to their home the two siblings jumped out and once in the house began to raid the refrigerator.

"You know what?" Hannah grunted out past a mouthful of icecream.


"We need a cat!" CJ choked on his food at the suggestion

"What?! Why a cat?"

"I don't know I've always wanted one and maybe it could keep us company of we are ever home alone."

"In that case let's get a guard dog it would be more sensible"

"Screw sensible! I want a kitten! Let's go!" Hannah grabbed her brother and dragged him back to the car.

"Off we go!! Finally getting a kitten!" The girl squealed making her brother scoff and try to hide a find grin at his sister acting like a little girl again.

"Look at them all!!" The girl grabbed her brother's arm and shook it. "That are all soooo cute!"

"I thought you wanted a kitten?" The boy looked at the dogs his sister was squealing at.

"Oh sorry shush you wanted a dog right? Let's get both!"

"Both?!" He choked out and looked at the prices with wide eyes.

"Can we afford both sis?" He whispered into her ear and she waved him off.

"Don't worry about it just find a dog you want" she smiled at him and left to check out the cats. The boy rolled his eyes and started looking for a dog that looked like it could protect his sister should she need it.

"Excuse me sir? Can I see this one?" CJ pointed to a husky pup that had it's tongue hanging out and wagging it's tail. The boy grinned when it ran up to him and say at his feet looking up at with loving eyes.

"I want this one" the boy grinned the biggest grin since befor his parents death.

Hannah had found the room of kittens and was currently sitting in the middle of six kittens playing around her. Her smile lit up the room and CJ worried that they'd be walking away with seven new pets.

"Sis do you see one you want?" Hannah looked up at her brother who was sitting outside the door holding the chain to a very excited husky puppy. She grinned at hos choice then held up a sleeping long haired white kitten. The boy smiled and held up a thumbs up.

The two siblings payed for the animals and filled out all the paperwork and that night they fell asleep in their beds each one cuddling their new family members.

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