Under the moonlight, you confessed.

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It has been wonderful after I found out I indeed had fallen in love to Muzan.

My routine had changed completely from the view of my eyes. I don't feel so empty from all the training I've done during the day. My mind as if was filled with colors from all the monochrome I've created for myself. Muzan put colors in my life and I am more than open to receive all type of pastels in my life.

During the night, I don't feel the urge to find any demon and decapitate them. Plus, I don't see any sighting of demons around vacinity of my home or closest town. I'm so glad I don't need to harbor my hatred towards them while at a same time developing more love for the man I'm currently head over heels him. I thought if I did so, it will blind me from the new perspective of this world he had been showing to me.

I brought the sword of my father to my face, breathing in slowly to fill every part of my lungs with the air, giving more excess for the oxygen to fill in my body and went through my bloodstream. I could feel my senses even more focused to the point I could even hear the dead leaves falling down from the trees. As a few leaves slowly swinging side to side in the air, I opened my eyes.

I began to sprint towards those leaves and swung my blade aiming for what I was tend to cut. As soon as I reached the end of it, I brought the katana to the case and slowly sheathing it. As the handler meet the case, all of the dead leaves began to separate into half by the cut I've made earlier. I glared at a certain leaf that I would accidentally miss the middle and it irritates me.

"I need more training." I told to myself.

I would continue my daily hardcore routine like I usually do, but I decided to take a break and not to put so much pressure on my body, especially my hands. It improved so much that I'm scared to even injure the soft hands I'm having now. I would stare at my hands like a maniac and smiled at how strange it seems my hands being so soft. It especially put a blush to my face imagining certain manly hands taking my hands into his. It made me miss him more.

The night came, and I wished every night that he would come. I cook a baked potato and piled it up in a small basket. Sitting at the edge of the hallway with steamed potato next to me, I held one of it in my hands and stare straight towards the moonlight that shone so bright. The night was cold so the steamed potato did not burnt my hands, plus it warmth them.

All of sudden, I felt a pair of strong arms snaking around my neck and hugged me from behind. If I don't have such a strong physique from all those intense training, I would plop down the ground with Muzan behind me. He was weighing on me. I was happy that he finally came that night, but I was worried. I could feel so much feelings that was weighing in his poor heart and what could it be ? What was bothering him ?

"Muzan ?" I called for him, which resulting for him to hug me tighter. His face was buried in my neck over my hair and I could feel his hot breath on my sensitive skin. I tried to not mind my burning face and focused more to comfort the male. I put my potato aside and brought my warm finger acrossed his exposed forearm, emitting warm as our skin contacts and ended up holding to his elbow to reply the hug with a comforting ones.

I tried to break the hug but he was persistent to keep me close to him. It was as if he was afraid I would run if he let go. I could feel his heart beating so harshly against his chest.

After a long, desperate hug, he finally let go and made me face him. I looked at him worriedly as he held both of my shoulders, staring into my intently with his eyes sparkles even in a frown.

"I've always felt so lonely. When I meet you, the feeling's gone. I- you are playing a huge part in my life." I was in awe at his words. I didn't have anything to say as he confessed what he was feeling. Only my heart that beats so fast as I finally witnessing his vulnerable side.

"I wish we can stay like this forever."

His eyes was looking straight into my own wih a meaning that I couldn't understand. He was trying to say something, but I couldn't make up what is it. Marry him ? What ?

I yelped lightly when I felt him clenching my shoulders. I could see how his jaw and his whole body started to shake badly.

Was he that afraid of being alone again ?

"Muzan !" I pushed both his hands away from my shoulders and held his head to make him look into my reassuring eyes to comfort him. I watched as his eyes delated in realization, as if he was drowning in a massive thoughts of losing me and being alone again. I used my fingers to go through his disheveled hair and my other hand to caress his cheek. My lips formed a soft smile.

"I won't ever leave you until we both turned greys. We will go through it together." I smiled at him and he kept on staring at me, somehow he was taken aback at my words. I used my thumb to wipe the tear that was escaping the corner of his eye.

"I love you, my dear." His arms went over my body and pulled me into in another desperate hug. I pat his back as he continued burying his face into my neck, and I could feel the salty water dripping down onto my exposed neck and shoulder.

"I love you too. I could never hurt you."

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