Growing hatred.

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Okay so.... I forgot to mention how Yoriichi is a prodigy and naturally have marks on him. From now on, let's act like I wrote it in previous chapters lmao. Also, it's going to be 3rd point of view again, however, it still in Aranea's past and many more actions will come. Hope you like this chapter.

Anyway, thank you for 20k views and 1k rates ! Love you guys so much !


Toyoru was getting worried because his wife didn't come home. The sun was already on top of his head and she supposed to come home during the dawn. She could be eaten by a demon at night, but he believed in her. She could at least escape and came to ask for his help.

The children was getting worried either and asked their father where Aranea was. He didn't have an answer for that and decided to go and fetch her. He told Michikatsu to take care of his younger siblings and he answered confidently with a firm nod. He went out to the house where she used as a meditating place.

By the time he reached there, the door was seen left opened. He entered warily and the place was dark with only occupied by the light from the outside. He couldn't find her anywhere, but her sandals were at the front porch.

He looked around the room and finally spot a feet poking from the shadow. He walking deeper into the shadow, and he saw how his wife's kimono was disheveled, and her hair were messy as if someone intentionally did it to her. Her shoulder hitched and he realized she was crying, and also realized what had happened to her. He quickly moved closer to her but was stopped by her.

"Don't !" She shouted, and he stopped, respecting her request. He watched her worriedly, watching as she clenched onto her arms, hugging herself smaller and smaller as if hiding herself from him. Seeing how his wife were so in fear, his heart began to beat in anger. He couldn't help but to frown and went closer to her, disobeying her order.

"No, please, Toyoru." She plead and tried to stop his hands who tried to reach her. He didn't want to use his strength on her, but his anger was controlling him. He slapped her hands away and held her exposed shoulders. Her kimono fell and exposed her upper body, and her red hue eyes.

His breath staggered.

"I-I-I'm a monster." Tears started to pour down again, and his body was shaking. His blood running through all of his body.

"Please, tell me who is it." He tried not to shout, he was controlling his anger from surfacing and lashing at his sweet wife. He clenched his teeth when he noticed his wife still tried to hide the identity of the person who had turned her life into a nightmare.

"I've respect your decision for eight years, but I can't turn this into blind eye. Who is he ?" He pressed her, and teared up again. She did not want her husband to face the progenitor. She does not want her husband to hurt or die by the demon. But, seeing how furious her husband was, she gave in.

"Muzan. Kibutsuji Muzan. I- I'm sorry for not telling you much earlier." His breath stopped again hearing the name. It was the name of the Head of the Demon that his organization trying hard to search and behead him.

His feelings were mixed up. That demon was playing with his wife, impregnant her and turned her into a demon. His eyes were bloodshot red due to anger he was holding.

He hugged her tight within his arms, setting it in mind that he would definitely kill Kibutsuji Muzan for this. He will make the demon living in hell.

Sensei (Kimetsu No Yaiba)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora