Under the moonlight, there were fireflies.

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What does he meant he wanted to take care of me ?

It has been over two weeks since then and he show more care like he had mentioned. It was something I should feel fishy about and question him about his actual intention, but all he did was making my heart blooms with everything he did for me.

In two week times, I couldn't see him much. The second time he came to meet me, he told me he was busy with some work that he only had free time at night, and oftentimes he didn't have the opportunity to visit me unless he had some extra time.

His visit was what I've always waiting after he said that. It so hard to know when he would come. My heart would racing at the thought of him when I saw the sun setting. The red from the sun reminded me a little of his eyes for some reason, and I closes my eyes remembering those cat-like eyes that always nailed me to the ground whenever I was on my low guarded state.

He never came to see me during the day, which I was a little glad. My rough and tough side, somehow, I wanted to hide it from him. After all, the custom made by the elderly where women should be delicate as flower still practiced today. I've never really care about my calloused and bruised hands, but I started to apply ointments I made myself on my hands after that night I crushed down into his arms.

I stared down my hands that made a quick healing after I apply it almost every night after that. I could feel the soft hands I've never felt. It felt so strange, yet that was my hands originally. I brought my hands closer to
my nose, and I smelled the scent of rose I put together to make it smell better. My cheekbones create the same color as the flower I mentioned.

What the hell am I doing ? I was never like this. All the male was even afraid to see me in the eyes due to the tough traits I created myself for the better future. I stared at the back of my hand, where I just realized how slender my fingers were.

Things I do for him.

The sun was finally gone behind the earth, and I started to count silently in my heart. While I was making myself a dinner, I kept glancing towards the front door. I looked down to my kimono if there was any smudge around the light color of pink. I brought my fingers to my newly-washed red hair and untangle the tangled hair.

While I was busy checking myself out, my eyes suddenly make out a slip of paper on the hallway. My heart started to pounds and I went to pick it up and read the ink written onto it.

"Meet me at the East side of the forest." I said it out loud because my heart was thundering so bad to make a tiny little voice in my head. I folded the paper, biting my lower lips as my heart felt all giddly and my stomach did a summersault. I took the ointment and put it on my hand and around my body to cover myself with the rose scent and I quickly make my way to the place mentioned.

I hate this feeling so bad, because I felt so weak, like the other teenage girl were. The only thundering heart I allowed myself to have is during any battle, which allows me to be more focus as the blood spasming all over my body.

However, this kind of thundering heart was clouding every sane thoughts in my head and it was filled with many thoughts of Muzan and what he was intending to do tonight.

I'll let it take over me just this time. I smirked at the thought and shook my head.

I opened my eyes and they involutarily widened as I awed at the view. I've never seen the night forest so bright before. Were the light from the moonlight just scattered and disperse ? They turned into the color of yellow ?

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