Cold Night

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After the death of my parents, I was devastated. I have no way to survive. I was only ten without any idea how to find food, or to bury my parents properly so they could rest in peace.

I did what I thought was right. I buried them like my father used to when he found a dead body or only pieces of them. He would dig down the ground and buried them, ended it with a prayer so they will rest peacefully.

It was hard. I couldn't stop crying while dragging them to the hole I dug for a whole hour, and it was a lot of struggle. I fixed their position in the grave and buried them with tears won't stop raining on my cheeks.

While praying for their path to the heaven, I remembered my father's words.

"It is important to give a proper burial to the dead. If you don't, they will continue to suffer. Whoever they are, whenever you are, give them a proper burial so they will rest in peace. People will do the same to you if you did so."

Rubbing the bloodstain on the floor was another hard quest I had to go through. It pained me to know they were the blood of my dead parents. It took me a lot of trip to the nearby river to clean it. Sometimes, the tears from my eyes helped me to clean off the blood.

I ended up crying again in a corner without any food to eat. I didn't have a way to start my life without my parents. Yesterday was the last time I was able to hug my father. It was also the same to my mother. It was their last warmth before their cold death.

The light from the dawn broke me out of my empty gaze. The warmth replaced the coldness of the night and the smell of the blood. I realized, I forgot to shut the door and I was just lucky that there were none of any demon that came pass by.

Just then, I remembered again, that one night where my father showed me the book he wrote for the future children. He told me he would use the book to guide me and the other children to fight off the demons. I went to grab it from a drawer of our wooden racks and there was a book that covered with inks. I took it and flipped through it.

Seeing those manuals, a thought came in mind. In order to change the world, I have to be strong like father. The custom where a girl should be delicate and limited their moves doesn't apply to me anymore. I have to do this for the future generation. If it not me, then who will.

I started my training after feeding my stomach. I did an extreme push-ups and sit ups since I thought if I do more than what the book wrote, maybe I can grow stronger even faster. I ignored my fatigue body, my dizzy head, my vomit, and continued pushing myself to the limit. Sometimes, the tears came out of my consent but I ignored them.

Weeks passed by, and I finally adapted to what I was doing. By only using my father's sword, I practiced 100 slices a day, and practiced the breathes that has been written down onto the book. I used bamboos to practice my accuracy of my swing. Sometimes, I collapsed out of nowhere and it was only lucky that no demon came to eat me.

I also practices a meditation to locate all of the course that transfers my oxygen to the whole body. I became one with them and able to control them at my will. I now can focus the blood to one place so I can heal a wound faster than any normal human could. It took years of practices because in a one drastic move, I would focus my blood to my wound while abandoning another place which is a fatal moves. I was able to focus on a spot while still have a reserve amount of blood on my whole body. They key to it was to control your breath so you won't lose a lot of blood.

Ten years had passed, and I learned almost everything that wrote down on the book while also developing my own moves. Everything around me became so slow and I able to focus even better. I couldn't count how many demons I have killed due to the anger I had against them and to avenge my parents. I didn't know who killed them, but I only know they are demons, and I would kill all of them if I am given the chance.

I found out that there was a mastermind behind all of the demons, the one that created the nightmare within mortals. I don't know how he looks like, but he had live for a hundred year and for some reason, he started to spread the demons 40 years ago.

He just sound like a next victim to me.

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