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Muzan was ecstatic. He felt his blood spasming all over his body in excitement at the feeling he had been waiting for almost a millennium time. His every nerves itching knowing he was slowly closing to his so called 'perfection.'. His lips curled into a wide grin.

Just by that, he had killed two people that took care of him on his little boy form. His little body revert to how his original adult body out of excitement. He felt so accomplished that he did not noticed another presence in the room.

"So much a gentleman you are, Muzan."

His eyes widened at the voice, his heart tugged differently as he turned to see Sensei standing right in front of him. Her kimono was disheveled as per usual, exposing her chest and shoulders, and her hair that never seem to being kept neatly. Her eyes were those black pitch eyes that looked nowhere in particular. For Muzan, she bears the same beauty as she was hundred of years ago. He couldn't help but to smile at her sight.

"What a girl as beautiful as you doing here ?" he cooed, raising his brows at her. Sensei frown deeper as she sensed him walking towards her, his steps growing louder and louder at her practiced hearings. She flinched when his finger grazed under her jawline, lining up to her cheek.

"What form are you in now ?" Her face remained cold, as if his touches did not affect her. He chuckled.

"What do you mean ? I always the one that you remember, Aranea."

He had his usual black hair longer than it already was, into a ponytail that she remembered. His brown kimono hugged his body perfectly, how she remembers it did.

She closed her eyes and rested her cheek into his palm who caressed her gently. His eyes widened subtly at her action, but then they curved into an approving eyes.

"I know you miss me." he said softly, watching as she comfortable herself into his hand.

It did not last long until Sensei held his hand that cupped her cheek, breaking the warmth from her cold cheek and brought his hand down. She was dreading to let go of his hand which she did after. Her eyes tighten again, with pursed lips that muster strength into herself.

"Don't you dare hurt any of my children ever again, Muzan." she glared at him which he did not find her any close to intimidate him. He used his other hand to hold her neck seductively, bringing it close to his face with eyes never stop gazing longingly on her. If only she could see the way his eyes seen humane after a long time, which almost immediately turned into a typical sly one.

"Don't worry, my love. My chance to perfection already in my reach. We can live happily, Aranea."

He pecked her lips, hoping she would reply back which she obviously would not. He tried not to take it to heart, knowing what he did to her so called 'family'. He broke the kiss with a smile to receive the same glare from her.

"I hate you, you monster."

"I love you too, Aranea."


Tanjirou visited sensei when he was informed of her disappearance. For the past two days, she was not in the Butterfly Estate. To his luck, she was here doing her usual meditating. He smiled and went next to her.

"Sensei ?" He called her, and she just stayed the way she was. Knowing her, he knew she heard him but not giving any reaction. He imitated her position and looked straight to the empty field before them. Butterflies flapping graciously in the dark, bringing dimming lights according to the color of their wings.

"Tanjiro." She suddenly called him, and he turned to see her smiling at him, her eyes that usually looked empty because of her sight, suddenly looked as if filled with emotions. He did not know what she wanted, but he noticed how her palm spread on her kneel, upwards as if she wanted him to hold it, which he did. He felt now she clamped their hand together. He blushed but he just ignore them.

"You're growing strong, day by day." she said, and he could only stare without any answer. He felt proud for himself hearing his sensei praises him. His eyes widened when he saw tears coming out of her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Tanjiro. If only I had my blade with me." She pulled Tanjiro into her arms, holding him tight as she cries.

"If only I was strong enough to kill Muzan when it happens. I'm so sorry, my child." He was dumbfounded of what sensei tried to say, but he had a guess that it was about his family. Remembering back the sight of blood splutters all over his home, his eyes waters.

It was the past, and Tanjirou would do anything to change the future.

"Tanjirou." Sensei called his name as they went back to meditating for a while to ease each other emotions. Tanjirou raised his brows quizzically when Sensei turned the other way, and his eyes widened when he saw a sword on her lap. The sword was wrapped in a blue fabric that kept it warm, as if it was alive.

"This is your sword now. I trust you to take care of it as if it is your life." Sensei said as she held it in the air for Tanjirou to take it. He did after and his eyes won't stop examining every curves of the sword.

"Beautiful.. whose is this ?" He asked.

"That sword is mine. Forge and refined by my trusted swordsmith, that is the ancestor of your swordsmith now." Sensei said, and Tanjirou could not help but to gaze up to her in amazement. The teary and sad look of her had washed away with a soft smile. Tanjirou gulped down at how beautiful she was with a smile.

"Sensei." Sensei raised her brows upward when he calls.

"You're my ancestor ? Your hair looked like my father." He reluctantly asked, afraid that he got it wrong and embarrassed himself. Sensei just chuckled softly as she caressed his cheek afterwards, taking Tanjirou by surprise.

"And you looked like my late husband." She said. Tanjirou face was burning when she said that.

"I won't be here any longer. After your sister conquered the sun, the demons became even stronger, of course it all Muzan's doing." Sensei said, and Tanjirou's face hardened and nodded firmly.

"I trust the Pillars will know what to do. I guess they don't need my assisstance after all. The new generation surprised me a lot lately." Sensei said as her hand left his face. Sensei sensed a sudden silence came from
Tanjirou, and the latter noticed how Sensei already caught the change in atmosphere. He sighed.

"I am just worried you're going alone. While we still have time, I wanted to confess something." Sensei furrowed her eyebrows.

"Sensei, your company had filled the lost part in my heart. You're like a mother to me and Nezuko. You reminded me how cruel this world can be and helped me get stronger. I am sure Nezuko and Tomioka-san felt the same as I do."

Sensei eyes' widened at Tanjirou's word. Her heart dampened at his words as a memory came into her mind. The images of two smiling children flash before her eyes, she vividly remembered the faces of her children even after almost a millennium.

"Thank you, Sensei."

Tanjirou then took his leave after they bid their goodbyes. His words kept repeating in her mind. The mother figure really did a toll on her heart, tugging on the most sensitive part that put tears in her eyes. She covered her pursed lips as tears began to fall onto her cheeks. She tried her best to cover her sobs from reaching others' ears. Her throat burning due to holding her sobs in her throat.

"I miss everyone so much." Sensei covered her face with both of her palms.

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