Chapter 49 - The Bachelor Party

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The door said "Closed for private party". Fuegoleon thought that this would be a quiet event, after all it was Nozel who had booked the event. As much as he loved his brother, Fuegoleon didn't trust Leo quite yet to plan his bachelor party. In fact, Fuegoleon was content without one, but he was continuously pestered by both of his siblings to have one. He had promised Ember that it would be a quiet, simple event and everything would be fine. But Salamander's chosen couldn't help but notice her slight disappointment when he told her this. Ember had also been one to insist that he have a bachelor party. She said he deserved to let loose and she didn't want to be the reason to "tie him down". So here they were, Nozel, Leo and him, all in this quaint little bar that was usually the location for the captains' after party during the Star Festival awards.

The bar appeared to have remained the same, despite having to go through renovations due to the elves' attack. Lanterns through out the room casted a unique glow upon the stone walls. Wooden built-in shelves behind the bar clearly displayed the high-end liquor available for purchase, while four circular high tables were against the opposite wall. A small high-end doggie bed was put in the corner of the bar for the arrival of the fire spirit. It was just as Fuegoleon remembered it for the most part and everything he expected when Nozel told him it would be a peaceful evening. But much to the two captains' dismay and Leo's excitement there were other occupants within the bar that would ensure it would be anything but at quiet event.

"There you are Captain Serious! Thought you were starting to get cold feet!" A boisterous voice rings though out the bar. Fuegoleon and Nozel stand in the doorway as Leo runs inside to greet his rival, followed closely by the fire spirit.

"Yami..." Fuegoleon acknowledges the Black Bulls' captain before entering. Yami raises his glass at their arrival, clearly already starting on the celebratory booze without them. He's not the only one either. In fact, Rill, Jack, Kaiser, William, Julius and Marx are there along with Asta who seems to have been dragged there by Yami for shits and giggles.

"Foreigner. Why are you here? This was a private event. Why are any of you here?" Nozel grumpily inquires. The Silver Eagle makes his way to the bar to star acquiring himself and Fuegoleon a beverage.

"Oh! OH!" Rill leans back from the bar excitedly, waving his hand in the air. "That was me! Me! Ember nearly cried at her bachelorette party when she found out it was only going to be Nozel and Leo there. So I invited all of us so she wouldn't be sad! Fufufu." The young captain looks so proud of himself for doing a grown up thing.

"Are you sure she just wasn't drunk?" Jack asks before taking a sip of his drink from the bar.

"Oh ~ Well.... Probably. It would explain what she said about you." Rill says pondering out loud.

"What?! What did she say about me? I'll slice her in two!" Jack threatens Rill, grabbing the young captain by the front of his shirt shaking him.

"What?! All she said was that you were probably a virgin –"

"Hahaha! Good one! Hear that green bean? From the goddess of death herself said you're a virgin!" Yami taunts Jack. Jack in turn drops Rill and starts arguing back and forth with Yami.

"Gentlemen, please control yourselves!" Marx cries, wedging himself between the two. "I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for her drunken claims. Rill?" The assistant gives a 'please help!' look to the Azure Deer captain.

"Oh, it's because she said you'd be dead otherwise Captain Jack!" Rill happily explains but it doesn't calm Jack down the lease nor does it stop Yami's laughter. Fuegoleon sighs, taking the drink offered to him by Nozel. It's a theory he's heard before when she got tipsy.

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