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taehyung can feel his heartbeat on his chest, can hear it in his ears. he's nervous, watching carefully as the judge listens to his lawyer with a blank face. his parents weren't more than sixty-five feet away from him, but it feels like they aren't even there.

the way they looked at him when he entered the room, like they didn't even have a son anymore. it was heartbreaking, seeing his parents look at him that way. but he couldn't show emotion, not now. he couldn't let them know how sad he was, because then it's like they won. an they didn't. they lost.

"the Kim's are horrible parents," taehyung's lawyer, supplied to him by soren--who was sitting next to him, taking notes on the trial--states. taehyung can practically feel his father's blood boiling, and it scared him. he knew what his father was capable of, especially when he's irritated. "they abandoned their son with no money, no food, no clothes, and no place to stay. this clearly violates korea's laws of negligence." he finishes, and taehyung can't help the smirk that ghosts his face.

there's no way his parents could win this.

taehyung's lawyer sits back down in his chair next to soren. he adjusts his tie and looks over soren's notes, nodding in approval of what she has written. taehyung turns to look behind him, smiling softly at jeongguk. jeongguk is so special to him, he can't wait until he can finally call him his. again.

he's been thinking of that a lot lately. they act like a couple, but they aren't one. they kiss, hug, cuddle, sleep in the same bed and have couple-ish banter, but they aren't together. to everyone else jeongguk and taehyung are just friends, and the fact doesn't sit well with him.

jeongguk smiles back, and junghan waves from jeongguk's lap.

"after going over the evidence, and written explanations from both lawyers and their clients, i've come to a decision." the judge--judge yoon--announces, gaining the attention of everyone in the courtroom. taehyung can only hear his heartbeat once again. "i've declared mr. and mrs. kim guilty. i will allow the sue to go through." she announces, and taehyung sighs in relief.

he can finally breathe again.

taehyung feels someone grab his shoulder from behind, picking him up from his chair. taehyung turns around quickly, coming face to face with wide, vibrating eyes.

"you did it, baby!" jeongguk tells him, pushing a strand of blue hair back into his head and away from his eyes. "you won!" he shakes him, and taehyung smiles widely.

"i did it!" taehyung cheers, throwing up his hands and wrapping jeongguk in a hug. jeongguk hugs back just as tight, arms holding his waist tight to him.

"i'm so proud of you!" jeongguk smiles, placing his hands on taehyung's neck. "i love you, baby." jeongguk says to him softly, still holding his neck gently.

taehyung smiles, eyes glistening with tears and pure adoration. "i love you too. so much." taehyung cries, and jeongguk softly wipes his tears from under his eyes.

"don't cry, baby. it's okay." jeongguk tells him, and taehyung nods.

it is okay. he is okay.

the court room has just about cleared out, only soren, their lawyers, his parents and taehyungs group of friends were left. taehyung glances at his parents, who were staring at him with pure disgust. almost as if he was waiting for taehyung's eyes to find him, his father sneers.

"you ungrateful little shit," he hisses pushing past his wife and lawyer to make his way to his son. taehyung freezes, all the times his father had hit him in moments of anger flashing through his mind like a slide show. "we raised you. we fed you. and this is how you repay us? by taking our money?" he yells, reaching past taehyungs lawyer to grab him.

taehyuny flinches, waits for the familiar burining pain on his scalp. but it doesn't come. taehyung hesitantly peels his eyes open, widening in shock when he finds his fathers wrist trapped in jeongguk's hand.

"don't touch him." jeongguk warns, tongue poking the inside of his cheek. "how dumb can you be? you're in a courtroom, with police and cameras everywhere?" jeongguk asks him, and taehyung snorts.

"watch your tone with me," taehyungs father warns, leaning in close to jeongguks face. their noses almost touch, and jeongguks has tightens and his free fist clenches on his side.

jeongguk is low tempered and violent, especially when it comes to people putting hands on his boy.

"watch your tone with me," jeongguk says back, shoving taehyungs father away by his wrist. "now leave. i wont ask again."

taehyungs parents, with one last threatening glance, they leave the room. jeongguk turns to taehyung and takes his head in his hands, turning his head from side to side. "are you okay?" he asks him.

taehyung giggles, "i'm fine. he didn't even touch me, remember?" taehyung asks, and jeongguk smiles, blushing.

"yeah, i remember. just checkin'."

"tae tae!" junghan yells, arms straight up in the air with hands making grabbing motions. "u-up?" he asks with his head tilted.

"yeah baby," taehyung smiles and lifts junghan into his arms. junghan cuddles into his neck, and sighs.

"jeongguk," taehyung whispers, resting his head on junghan's.

"yeah?" he whispers back, watching with adoration as his...taehyung cuddles his brother.

"i want a baby." he tells him, and jeongguk chokes.

"maybe soon." jeongguk tells him with a smile.

"okay," taehyung smiles back.

they kiss, slow and soft. there's background noise, sounds of soren and jimin giggling and sora taking pictures, and even a small 'gross!' coming from junghan, but it's all white noise.

because taehyung has jeongguk, and it's all he really wanted.

all he wanted was his boyfriend back, and he got that.

he's his again.

so there are two chapters left n i'm kinda nervous, but it's okay!
i'm gonna cry though, 1000%

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