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day 3

Jimin and taehyung sat inside the small cafe, listening to the calming music pouring from the speakers built into the ceiling. taehyung opted for an iced green tea, while jimin was holding a white mug of black coffee that warmed his hands through the glass. they were sharing a vanilla sponge cake, rolled with cream cheese icing and fresh strawberries. taehyung was eating and drinking slowly, but jimin didn't mind. at least he was eating. taehyung refused to eat the first two days. 

but this would not be just an outing for coffee. no, the pair had much more to talk about than that. last night, when jimin was in the shower, he overheard taehyung and his parents in his bedroom. he wasn't listening on purpose, but their volume was so loud that the neighbors may have heard him. they gave taehyung an ultimatum. either never see jeongguk again, or leave their house. leave their money. taehyung essentially, would have nothing. no money, no family and no house. 

now you may think the answer is simple. but really, it's quite complex. taehyung loves jeonnguk, fell in love with him all over again, even if he didn't want to admit it. jeongguk was there for him during his highs, his lows, and everything in between. jeongguk and his family, despite not having a father present, showed him what being family was all about. not calling your parents 'mother' and 'father' because they see it as respect, but calling them 'mom' and playfully teasing each other. the little things. 

but these are his parents. the people who raised him. who gave birth to him. they have special bond, especially-even if he hates to say it-he and his mother. a mother and her child will always have an inseparable bond, and taehyung is no exception. his mother was always the first person to know what was going on with him, even back in busan. it's going to be hard on him to not be allowed to talk to her everyday if that ends up being his decision. 

both painful, both unfair. 

"so," jimin begins, setting down his mug on one of the light brown coasters. the color was soft much like the rest of the cafe, filled with all types of browns and a pale yellow, giving a calm,ing aura. maybe this is why jimin and taehyung picked this cafe; how calming it was. "what are you thinking?" jimin asks. 

taehyung, who was still staring blankly out of the window while gingerly sipping on the tea, answers. "the sky is so pretty." taehyung says. jimin sighs, that's not what he meant, but looks outside of the large window they're sitting by.

it is pretty. the sky is a pale blue blended with pinks and oranges, given as they left before the sun came up. taehyung wanted to get out of that house, so jimin proposed they go to a cafe. taehyung agreed. 

"it is," jimin nods, agreeing. "but that's not what i meant, and you know it." jimin adds, and taehyung sighs. he looks up at jimin, tears rimming his already bloodshot eyes and jimin sighs, sympathizing. he looked awful. 

besides his watery and red eyes, taehyung sported a pink nose and deep eye bags. his cheeks were beginning to lose plush as well as color, effect of doing nothing but hiding under his blankets and crying. he's not healthy and happy anymore. anyone who has seen him can see that he's been through a lot. 

"i don't know what to do," taehyung sighs, setting down his tea a bit roughly due to his frustration. "they're my parents, jimin. i can't just up and leave them, especially after all they've done for me. but jeongguk has done a lot for me, too. and what parents threaten to kick out their son for loving someone? i can't control that. i just don't know." taehyung sighs.

jimin nods, agreeing with what he's saying. he couldn't even imagine how he would feel if he were getting thrown out for dating. speaking of dating, jimin frowns. he hadn't talked to his girlfriend in weeks. jimin takes taehyung's hand in his over the table, rubbing the back of his hand with the pad of his thumb. "taehyung, you just have to do what's best for you. what'll make you happy in the long run. you know that if you stay here, that your parents will make you date jackson. and not because they want you to find love, but because they want a good business relationship with the wangs." jimin points out, and taehyung lets a tear fall, knowing it's true. knowing that they aren/'t doing this for him, but for them. it's always for them. for their  benefit.

"i'm not saying this to get you to come home with me," jimin quickly adds, not wanting taehyung to get the wrong impression. "i'm telling you this so you know all the facts before you make this decision. this life changing decision." jimin smiles and lets go of taehyung's hand, only to have it grabbed back and held in a shaky grip.

"thank you, jimin," taehyung cries, and jimin softens, reaching across with his free hand to wipe taehyung's tears. "i love you, so much."

"i love you too, tae," jimin smiles, and taehyung breathes a deep shaky breath. in his mind, he knows what to do. he knows the right decision. 

"i think i know what to do." taehyung says, tears running down his face. it waasn't an easy decision, and he'll miss everyone greatly.

"if you're sure," jimin nods, a tear of his own running down his face.

"you'll tell everyone that i'm sorry? and that i love them? tell them in the end, it's best." taehyung  recites, crying freely now as he attempts to wipe every fat tear that falls. "bring my stuff to me, i can't face them."taehyung adds, standing from the chair in the cafe. hew throws down a few dollar bills, attempting to cover his half of the meal. taehyung remembers the abandoned cake and tea for only a moment, before he's brought back to the conversation at hand by a calm voice. 

"i'll see you soon, tae." jimin says, buring his neck into the shoulder of his friend. 

taehyung hugs back just as fierce, "see you soon."

and with that, he leaves the coffee shop, eager to return home. 


so that was a thing. i wrote this on a computer and it was like hard and my back hurts-anywhore. 

im thinking of doing a face reveal at 50k. ya'll want that or do you just not care? *cue clown emoji* 

do you want to see jimin telling them that tae left, or do you want direct tae pov? 

follow me on twt- jjksbabiee, im finny some times.

follow me on ig- jvngkoos 

thanks ily

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