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the image above is for y'all 😘

jimin sits, patiently waiting on the red couch. it's been three hours since he last saw taehyung, and honestly, jimin was working up the courage to say that he left. no one had arrived yet, not in the living room anyway where he told everyone to meet him. some were in the kitchen catching up, it had been a while since they saw each other. jimin thinks it's sad, that they had to come across each other on such bad circumstances. but then again, they brought it upon themselves.

when the family finally joins him in the living room, all laughter dying down and drinks being set on expensive coasters that sat on even more expensive tables, taehyung's mother looks to jimin expectantly. "what have you gathered us here for? where is taehyung?" she asks, and jimin bites his lip.

"that's what i wanted to talk to you about," jimin says, pulling his fingers and cracking his knuckles—a nervous habit he's had since he was young. how was he supposed to explain this? why did he agree to this again? why didn't he leave with taehyung while he had the chance—jimin sighs. "he's not here."

"what do you mean," soren, taehyung's closest cousin asks, shifting forward in her seat. soren was older than him by a few years, but she was still his favorite person. his role model, and his best friend. jimin could tell the news would be hardest on her. soren fiddles with the diamond on her finger, a sign that she was anxious. what happened to her baby cousin? "what do you mean taehyungs not here? is he okay?"

"he's better than okay," jimin says quickly, gaze hardening as it settles over taehyungs parents. they seem to have a general idea of what's happening, because his father looks irritated, his mother shocked. "he's on a train to busan right now." jimin breaks the news, watching as taehyungs father shifts in his chair to lean forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"what?" he seethes through his teeth, and the other family members looked confused. why were they so mad taehyung was going to busan? didn't he go to school there? "he gave us up like that?"

"you gave him up," jimin snaps, feeling his irritation rise and bubble in his chest. how dare they give him an ultimatum like that, and on top of everything expect him to stay? "you gave him up as soon as you asked him to do such a thing. you shouldn't have been so naive. taehyung would never give up jeongguk for people like you." jimin rants, and once again, a concerned soren cuts in.

"what? what did they ask him to do? and i thought jeongguk died?" soren, obviously very confused, asked jimin. he looks towards her and smiles, though it was grim, angry, and as shaky as his hands were.

"they lied about jeongguk being dead. and when taehyung found out, they told him to pick jeongguk, or them. which includes this family, this house, and their money." jimin proudly exposes the pair to the rest of the family members. "they abandoned their son for being in love." jimin turns back to taehyungs parents, watching with daring eyes as taehyungs father stands up.

"watch how you speak about me and my wife, boy," mr. kim threatens, and jimin barely muffles a chuckle, because he's really getting threatened by a grown man. jimin stands, matching mr. kim in short heights as he glances to soren.

"i'm just here to get his things, would you like to help me pack?" jimin asks, looking directly at soren. she glanced over her aunt and uncle, before grabbing her louis vuitton purse and hooking it on her elbow.

"i'd love to." she answers, and together they make their way up the stairs.

jimin whips out his phone as he glances over taehyungs closet, attempting to locate his bags so he could pick his things. he dials taehyungs phone number and presses the device to his ear, waiting for the older to pick up his phone. jimin finally located two suit cases, and tosses them on the bed. soren immediately starts emptying what's left of his clothes in the suitcase, as most of his clothes are at the dorm. taehyung finally answers. "hello?"

"hey tae," jimin greets, placing the phone in between his jaw and his shoulder, pressing the device to his ear. jimin starts grabbing all of taehyungs personal belongings, the ones he knows mean the most to him. "i'm packing your stuff right now."

"oh," he breathes, and jimin could hear the loud voices through the phone. he must be at the train station in busan. "how'd it go?" taehyung asks, and jimin could feel his nervousness through the phone. he's probably biting his lip, like he always does when he's nervous.

"i think your dad wanted to punch me in the face," jimin chuckles, glancing towards soren who was filling the rest of the suitcase with his photos that were strung along the wall. "but soren is here. she's helping me pack."

"can i talk to her?" taehyung asks, and jimin hands soren his phone, who presses it to her earring clad ear.

"hello? tae?" soren says, and jimin continues to pack the bags.

"i know, i love you too."

"no, no i didn't know."

"yes," soren answers, bending down to floor with eyebrows furrowed. she reaches for a tin can box, locked with no key. the lock isn't built in, but one that you would buy at the store that comes with a key. "i have it. okay, i'll put it in. what's in it?" soren asks, placing the box in the bag. 

"oh, okay. i'll make sure you get it."

"don't worry about that," she shakes her head. "you can always ask me for money. you know i have more than enough."

"okay, yeah, i love you. okay. bye." soren hands jimin his phone after he gets done zipping up both of the suitcases.

"i'll be going now," jimin says, and wraps soren in a hug, a hug that she returns. jimin has always found comfort in soren over his years of friendship with taehyung, unlike his other family which made him uncomfortable and nervous. "thank you for helping, it means so much to him."

"of course." she smiles. "take care of him, okay?" she asks, watching as jimin grabs both suitcases in each hand, noticing how his veins bulge at the strain.


you guys = 🤡


also i don't like this chapter but it is what it is.

boo boo the f o o l.

i'm sorry but i was CACKLING reading your comments.

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