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taehyung frowns as he looks towards the door, jeongguk was late. normally he wouldn't care about jeongguk or his attendance issues, in the most unrude way possible. but today, it was his job to help him. and to help jeongguk, jeongguk actually has to be there.

speaking of the devil, jeongguk stumbles into the classroom. his black hair is disheveled, fluffy and sticking up in random places. he's wearing black, like usual, but taehyung can see a slip of white if he raises his arms.

"jeongguk! happy that you could join us." mr. song greets with a small smile, one jeongguk doesn't return but nods towards him as a sign of greeting. "you'll be sitting next to taehyung for the rest of the semester, okay?"

jeongguk walks up towards taehyung, and taehyung can't help but swallow nervously. he knew what people said about jeongguk. they said that he was rude, hostile, and only talked to you if you were willing to spread your legs for him.

"hey," jeongguk whispers, no underlying hostility in his voice. taehyung blinks in shock, before smiling wide, mouth forming the shape of a box.

"hi!" taehyung greets back chirpily. jeongguk smiles at this, and rests his jaw in the palm of his hand, metal rings pressing into soft skin a bit uncomfortably. "i'm going to be your tutor for the semester, is that okay?"

"oh," jeongguk mumbles, and looks down. "are you sure? i don't want to be a bother." jeongguk asks, and again taehyung blinks in shock.

never, in a million years, would taehyung have figured that jeongguk would care about bothering him. the stories and is actual attitude towards him just doesn't add up.

"no! i love to teach people! it's what i want to do when i grow up," taehyung gushes, but catches his kid-like terms and attitude. "i mean when i graduate."

"that's nice." jeongguk nods, and then he turns towards his books. "that's great, thank you so much." jeongguk thanks, and taehyung smiles again.

"of course! now, is it just history you need help with, or do you need help with other subjects?" taehyung asks as he pulls out his phone and opens up his notes app, typing 'jeongguk' and then a dash.

"well, i need help in english too. but really, it's not worth the trouble." jeongguk says, and taehyung laughs lightly.

"careful, jeongguk. i might have to start telling people you've gone soft." taehyung warns with no fire, a smile playing on his features as he writes next to the dash 'english and history.'

"i'm not soft." jeongguk grunts, and turns around in his seat. "m'just being nice."

      taehyung walks briskly into the lunchroom, notebook in hand, eager to tell jimin about his eventful morning. he spots the boy talking to another boy with brownish red hair that he doesn't recognize.

"hey, jimin." taehyung approaches timidly, not wanting to interrupt the boys' conversation. jimin and the boy both smile at him, and he can't help but notice how the boy's lips form a heart, and how bright his smile is.

"hey, taehyungie!" jimin greets as taehyung sits down, setting his notebook on the blue picnic style table. "this is hoseok, he takes dance with me." jimin introduces, and taehyung nods.

"hi! it's nice to meet you," taehyung smiles, sticking his hand out for a handshake, which he enthusiastically returns.

"same here!" hoseok says, and then turns to jimin. "yoongi's here, so i'll catch you later." hoseok buds his goodbye and dashes off towards the entrance, where taehyung assumes this 'yoongi' is.

"jimin, guess what." taehyung bounces excitedly, waiting for jimin to answer so he can gush about his morning.

"what?" jimin asks even more enthusiastic, and taehyung would usually stop to ask if he was mocking him, but he couldn't. he was just too excited.

"i'm tutoring! and i'm tutoring jeongguk! and guess what? he's so nice, at least to me." taehyung rambles, stoping his scentence to shove a chip in his mouth before continuing. "he was all like 'i don't want to waste your time' or whatever and all i could think was, wow. so considerate!" taehyung finishes his rambling and raises and eyebrow and his friends shocked expression.

"wow." jimin breathes. "i never knew jeongguk could be nice. there's a first for everything." jimin says, and taehyung sighs.

"speaking of firsts," taehyung mumbles. "i'm going to jeongguk's house after school today, so i won't be home for dinner." taehyung informs him, and jimin winks exaggeratedly.

"you move fast, huh?" jimin laughs.

"no! it's not like that, i'm pretty sure he was just being nice because i'm helping him pass, anyway." taehyung shakes his head, and jimin laughs lightly.

"whatever you think."

good morning!
um, i've never had a posting schedule before and i kinda like it.
remember to gore & comment, it helps.
okay, see you on sunday.

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