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taehyung steps off of the bus with a heavy heart. the bus can't go any further due to the fact that taehyungs parents live in a gated community, so he's stuck walking the rest of the way, or he could use the family golf cart available next to the entrance. taehyung punches in the same code he's been using since he was a kindergartener, and the black gate pops open for him.

he walks towards his family's key ring and mailbox, grabbing the only hook with one key—the key to the golf cart. he climbs onto the seat and buckled the safety belt, before starting the cart. he quickly pulls out of the parking lot and onto the neighborhood streets, driving slower than necessary since he hasn't driven in a while.

taehyung was going fifteen in a twenty five.

his house comes up sooner than he'd like. it's exactly how he remembers it. the walls are still gray, and the pillars, gates, railings and steps are still black. his bedroom still has the red curtains on the inside, and you can still see into the den because his mother was too lazy to hang the curtains. the garden was still bright green with an assortment of colorful flowers. the building was the same, but coming home felt so different. it didn't feel like home anymore.

taehyung parks the golf cart in the long and smooth drive way, deciding to leave the keys in the ignition. crime rate in this neighborhood was lower than taehyungs attraction to females. he walks the side walk lined with tiny rocks and purple flowers, and takes the steps two at a time to reach the front door; a big door that was dark oak and had a black doorknob and a white doorbell button lined with real silver.

taehyung presses the button, bouncing on his toes as he waits for the door to open. it swings open a second later, and it's his mother still clad in her work clothes, pearls sitting proudly in her ears and louis vuitton shoes on her feet. she smiles, red lips stretching to her cheeks as she pulls her son into a hug. "taehyung! what a pleasant surprise!"

"hello, mother," taehyung pats her back, letting himself into his home. she turns with him after kicking the door shut. "is father here? i would like to have a conversation with you both." he informs, turning on the ball of his foot to face his mother. her brows slightly crease in worry, and taehyung frowns because she hardly ever made facial expressions, claiming she didn't want wrinkles.

"he's in his study. have a seat on the couch and we'll be down in a moment." she turns towards the stairs and goes up them quickly, but still manages to look graceful as she does so.

taehyung walks towards the black leather couch that was situated against the wall in front of two black arm chairs. the decorative pillows were red, and the carpet was white. the tv was off and pressed fully into the wall, signalling that no one has used the family room yet.

taehyung holds his face in his hands, trying to think of what he could or should say. how should he start this conversation? should he ask, should he be stern? should he try to guilt his parents into to telling him—no. that won't work. if that's all it took, he'd have known exactly after the accident. all of this goes out of the window behind him when both of his parents are situated on the chairs in front of him. "i know."

"know what?" his mother asks with a chuckle. taehyung frowns at her lighthearted tone.

"that you lied about my memory not being reversible," taehyung takes in his parents shocked faces, but doesn't stop there. "i know that you paid the doctor to lie to me." taehyung adds, and his mother pouts, while his father sighs and leans back in the chair.

"taehyung—" his father tries, but is cut off quickly.

"no." taehyung shakes his head, and looks up to his parents with the same fire and betrayal in his eyes he had when he faced the doctor the day prior. "i want the truth. all of it, right now, and then maybe i'll think of forgiving you." taehyung tells them.

taehyungs mother reaches for a photo album kept in the movie cupboard, a photo album he wasn't allowed to touch. "he goes to your school," she begins, flipping the pages of the thick, blue album. "he's in your grade. rich like us. he was a troublemaker, that one."

"yes," his father chimes in, removing the reading glasses from his face. "drove a motorcycle, piercings, even a few tattoos. he cussed a lot too, that boy." his father describes, and that doesn't make sense to taehyung, because all of these were physical traits.

"when you crashed, we read the police report." taehyungs mother says, plucking a photo from the album. she holds the wrinkled photo in two of her fingers, looking over the contents. "says you were going over a hundred miles an hour. he was driving, your crash was his fault taehyung." his mother explains. and taehyungs mouth falls open. why were they going so fast? "he refused to tel anyone where you guys were going, too. we can only imagine what he was trying to trick you into doing."

"in the hospital, he woke before you did." his father says, also looking at the photo with a sour expression. "we told him if he promised to stay away from you, that we'd pay his medical bills and any addition surgery from the accident. being the greedy bastard he was, he agreed." his father said, and taehyung gulps. he gave up so easily?

"we did it to protect you, honey." his mother says sincerely, and taehyung laughs bitterly because even though he's upset they still sacrificed his happiness. "he still goes to your school, here's a picture." she hands taehyung the photo, and he freezes. the two were smiling, taehyungs arm around him as they looking towards the camera. but that's not what caught his attention.

it's who was in the photo.


[m going under, and this time, I fear there's no one to save me
This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy
I need somebody to heal, somebody to know
Somebody to have, somebody to hold
It's easy to say, but it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain]

it's revealed.

bitch it's finna get messy.

also; new book!

it's for real this time ;)

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it's for real this time ;)

hopefully i'll see you there!

photo i'm talking about above :)

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