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      taehyung sinks lower in the purple, glittery lukewarm water so it's barely touching his chin. he lets out a long sigh, the air rippling the water in front of him. this was relaxation at its finest. the bathroom counter was covered in lavender scented candles, as well as a pair of panties and a silk bathrobe. taehyung needed this after the stressful day he had at the hospital, and thinking of who did this for him just made him smile.


jeongguk was outside of the room waiting for taehyung to be done with his bath so he can get the other part of his surprise. when they left, jeongguk told him that he was going to spoil him that night since he was so stressed and heartbroken about everything. it really warmed his heart, that jeongguk would do this for him.

maybe dating again wouldn't be too bad.

taehyung sloshes in the water, ready to get out but not. he was excited for his surprise and his skin was beginning to shrivel up, but it was so warm and the air pierced his skin whenever his arm lifted from the tub. with a loud sigh taehyung stood quickly, reaching for the towel on the counter with chattering teeth and shaking hands.

he dries his body with soft pats, rubbing the cloth over the ends of his hair that got wet. he drags the towel down his legs and back before throwing it into the hamper. he then pulls the panties up his legs, the soft material of cotton caressing his skin. he ties the rose gold looking robe over his skin and walks out of the bathroom, smiling at the bed.

jeongguk was sitting there fiddling with a bottle of essential oil, frowning as he attempted to scrape the tape from the lid. the bedside table had strawberries—taehyungs favorite food—with an assortment of dipping sauces. he even went out and bought a whole diffuser, which was spraying lavender essential oil into the air.

"oh! hey, tae," jeongguk smiles, looking up when he finally got the tape off. he pats the bed beside him and taehyung slowly makes his way over, laying on the bed on his stomach. "take off your robe for me, okay?" jeongguk asks, squirting the oil into the palm of his hand. he frowns when taehyung makes no move to remove the silk. "tae?"

"i'm wearing panties, gguk," taehyung states, as if it isn't obvious to the both of them that he's wearing victoria's secret underwear the color of peaches under the robe.

jeongguk says so. "i know," he snorts, pulling down the shoulders of the robes so taehyung gets the hint. "i bought and layed them out for you."

taehyung sighs and sits up momentarily so he can slide the robe off all of the way. he lays back down on the bed, giggling when he feels jeongguk straddle his thighs. jeongguk skims his finger tips over the cotton. "do you like them?"

"mhm," taehyung hums when jeongguk massages the oil into his lower back, pressing into the muscles there. "thank you gukkie, like them a lot." he says with a blush because his best friend just bought him panties and asked if he liked them.

not even jimin does that.

"i'm glad," jeongguk tells him, squirting more oil into his palm before lowering it onto his shoulders so its warm and not cold. he rubs into his shoulder blades with his palm and thumb, smiling at the long groan that leaves taehyungs lips. "what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"i'm going to see me parents," taehyung tells him, turning his head to the side so he can see him out of the corner of his eye. jeongguks face is contoured in concentration, eyebrows furrowed and tip of his pink tongue sticking out of his mouth. "wanna come with me?"

"i think you should go by yourself," jeongguk tells him, rubbing the sides of his back, lingering to tickle his waist. taehyung giggles and shifts. "just so they're completely honest with you. i don't want them to lie because a stranger is there."

"understandable." taehyung agrees, rolling over on his now knot free back when jeongguk un-straddles his thighs. taehyung peaks one of his eyes open, opening his mouth wide when he sees a strawberry covered in dark chocolate in front of his mouth. his moans at the taste.

"but when you go, make sure to stay levelheaded," jeongguk reminds, feeding him another strawberry, this time in milk chocolate. "and remember that there are two sides to every story." jeongguk pushes his slightly wet bangs from his forehead.

"okay," taehyung breathes, and sits up on the bed, rolling to lay beside jeongguk. he kicks under the covers and pulls the comforter to his chin, not even caring to put on some real clothes. "put on a movie?" taehyung asks with a pout.

"sure, angel," jeongguk easily agrees, turning on the tv and turning off of the lamps, leaving the room dark except for the blue light from the tv. "what do you want to watch?"

"the lion king." taehyung answers readily, and the movie is on in no time. jeongguk is drawing under the covers as well, wearing nothing but gray sweatpants.

taehyung curls up to his side immediately, like a cat. his leg gripped jeongguks thighs and his arm was around his waist, and his head was on his chest. "g'night, gukkie."

"goodnight, angel."

first of all, jeongguk doing this for tae has me soft.

second of all, i read a book and i'm finna recommend the hell out of it 🤠 it's called attention by @cruisinlieknemo AND BITCHXKSKALZLZLZL. anywho.

tell me about your day or imma be sad 😔😔😔.

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