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"okay, taehyung," soren says, entering the room once again. she has two pieces of clothing in her hands, since taehyung didn't like any of the clothes he packed. he essentially didn't know what to wear. what do you wear to an event that could possibly ruin your parents life? "i have a red button-up silk shirt—bonus; it's jeongguk's—and a baby blue sweatshirt. take your pick, bub." she holds them both out by the top of the coat hanger, letting taehyung take a once over of each shirt.

"i'll take the red one," taehyung says after prolonged deciphering. they both new which shirt he was going to pick, but he had to make it seem like he wasn't jumping at the opportunity to wear jeongguks clothes.

soren smiles knowingly, "i thought so." she hands him the red shirt, stepping back out of the room to let him change.

taehyung pulls the silk over his bare shoulders, and the slide is soft, smooth. taehyung loves the feel of silk, loves the feeling of luxury. he buttons them up softly, paying close attention to the marbling detail on the white buttons. it smells like jeongguk, like he purposely sprayed it with his cologne before handing it over to soren.

he tucks the end of the shirt into his white pants, revealing the black leather belt wrapped snuggly around his waist. he looks the part. cold and beautiful, like a person who's not dying on the inside at the mere thought of putting his parents in a compromising position.

this could end their whole career.

a soft knock at the door draws taehyung from staring at his general reflection, and siezes his thoughts. "tae? baby?" they call, and taehyung smiles softly at the smooth voice.

"come in, please," taehyung calls, watching the door expectantly. soon enough it cracks open, the cause coming right in dressed for the day.

his suit is nice and clean. it's a a black button down with black, high waisted dress pants. the pants are held up by a black belt that's tight on the dip of his waist, showing off how bizarre his proportions are.

"hey, baby," he smiles and wraps taehyung in a hug. taehyungs arms find his waist and his head finds his chest.

"hey," taehyung sighs in content. the whole scene is very domestic, with the way jeongguk greets him and holds him, and the way that taehyung's stomach does backflips just by being in his arms.

"you smell good," jeongguk compliments, and taehyung cracks a smile.

"i smell like you," taehyung mumbles into his chest.

"i know," he responds cheekily, and taehyung playfully smacks his butt in response. jeongguk growls, grabbing the boy by his sides and pushing his away from his body with challenging eyes.

"did you really just do that?" jeongguk asks, dark brow raised as he waits for taehyungs answer.

taehyung smiles, challenging him, "sure did. felt nice, too. you're so firm down there gguk,"

jeongguk's face creases with displeasure, "ew. you're gonna get it now," jeongguk warns.

suddenly his hands have turned into fingers, working quickly on the sides of his body. taehyung howls with laughter, backing up and away from jeongguk's tormenting hands. he backs right into a wall, and jeongguk just continues his assault, that is, until a throat clears.

"are you boys ready to go?" sora asks, and taehyung nods, breathless. jeongguk backs away from his form and walks towards his mom, resting his head on her shoulder.

"mommy, tae tae hit my butt," jeongguk whines childishly, stomping his feet. taehyung gasps, offended as he walks over and slaps jeongguks shoulder.

"mommy, ggukkie's being a smartass," taehyung mimics him, and jeongguk gasps.

"come on, the car is waiting," taehyung smiles, grabbing jeongguks hand and lacing their fingers. taehyung leads him towards the elevator where they all get on together, junghan sleepily waddling towards taehyung.

"tae tae," junghan mumbles, resting his head on his thigh. taehyung hums i'm acknowledgment, looking down at the boy. he reaches down and pushes his hair off of his forehead, and junghan whines into the touch. "upies?"

"of course, baby," he cooes, crouching down to lift the young boy. he attaches him to his hip, and junghan wastes no time with burying his head into taehyungs neck, breathing in his fruity scent.

jeongguk scoffs, "i really think he's trying to take you away from me," jeongguk pouts, watching helplessly as taehyung kisses the boys cheek and rubs his back.

"don't make this a competition, jeon," taehyung rolls his eyes, waiting for the elevator door to open. "you'd lose," taehyung says cheekily, bright smile on his face as he scurries out of the elevator and into the bustling lobby.

"ouch," jimin winces, patting jeongguk on the shoulder. "that's gotta hurt." jimin follows taehyung out of the elevator and into the lobby.

"wha-hey!" jeongguk yells, trailing after taehyung. "take it back you hooligan." jeongguk warns, and taehyung giggles.

"or what?" taehyung asks, not taking jeongguks threat seriously. jeongguk puts his knuckle on his nose, looking up, pretending to think. taehyuny watches carefully as he rolls his lips into his mouth before letting them go with a small smack!, looking towards taehyung with a challenging glint in his iris.

"you'll be sleeping outside of the hotel room tonight." jeongguk threatens, and taehyuny dramatically gasps.

"you wouldn't."

"would i?" jeongguk shoots back, raising an eyebrow. taehyung has to admit the small action does nothing for the conversation other than make him look hot, but he appreciates it. 

"fine," taehyung rolls his eyes. "you know you're my favorite." he smiles, planting a small kiss on his lips before climbing into the backseat of the car.

jeongguk sighs, flushed.

"bro, you're whipped," jimin laughs, and jeongguk scoffs, shoving him away.

but it's true.

take this. sorry it's shitty and short i forced myself to write through my depression for this :)

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