Chapter 16

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Niall bounced his leg as he sat with the boys at one of the tables. People started coming into the back yard little by little. Turns out Simons back yard is the perfect place to have a party. There were tables decorated in neon green and black for people to sit at then a drink table and food table.
Niall sat, waiting for Tessa to appear.

He was nervous. The boys had dared him to kiss Tessa today means it was their last day at Simons house. Niall wanted to so bad, but he also wanted to respect her wishes of him not trying to kiss her anymore. Nonetheless the boys said he had to just plant one on her. "It might just change how she feels about you, mate." Zayn said. Niall got a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach, jealousy mixed with nervousness.

He was jealous of Zayn, Niall saw how Zayn and Tessa got along so well. But he was wrong. He didn't know how she really felt. He didn't know that she was just afraid to fall in love.

Tessa didn't believe in love, or so she told herself. She thought of old shows she used to watch with her parents when they were alive. Most of them ended with the couple getting divorced. If true love did excised, she told herself, then they would stay together until they died. Movies told her that love keeps you together forever. That wasn't so, she thought, her mother was ripped away from her dad. Then, even though it was a different kind of love, her dad was ripped away from her on the day of the accident. Nonetheless, how could she be afraid of love if it didn't excised?

Niall suddenly felt a frail hand on his shoulder as a girl sat in the chair between him and Zayn. Her brown hair caught his attention, along with the other boys'. It wasn't until he saw her face did he catch on. Tessa.

"Damn." Liam said, unsure of what to say at the moment.

"I second that." Louis said, serious for once. Tessa blushed as The boys just stared at her.

They were all quiet, just staring at her for a minuet. She stared down at her lap. "Woah." Harry said. Niall didn't say anything, too busy checking out the girl next to him. He had seen her real looks before, he had even seen her almost naked. Yet, this was different. It was like in books when a plain girl would get dressed up to go out then everyone was shocked at how beautiful she was, but better. Because this was her real appearance, no wig and hardly any makeup. 

Tessa caught Lauren's eye as she walked by. Lauren gave her a look as if to say 'don't forget about the dare.' Tessa watched as Lauren sat done at a table, talking to some relatives or friends. Tessa gulps. She looks over to Zayn who still stares at her.

Niall watches as Tessa leans over to Zayn, pressing her lips against his cheek. Niall held his breath, continuing to watch as she said something. Zayn chuckled as the other boys all nodded in understanding. Niall was too stunned to listen to what she said. His thoughts went to all the times he thought he was overacting when he thought she had feelings for Zayn. She just freaken kissed his cheek.

"Niall? You okay?" Tessa asked, placing her hand on his knee to get his attention. His gaze immediately feel to her hand. She removed it, feeling awkward. He nodded, but showed no emotion.

"So you going to explain the hair?" Zayn asks. Niall's jaw tightens, the lad has a girl. He shouldn't lead Tessa on or what ever he was doing. Niall felt weird, he never felt like this before. Jealous.

"I didn't want to dye it so I just wore a wig... For three years." She blushes, thinking she sounds crazy.

"Why?" Zayn asked.

"Because she did." Niall snapped. The boys all looked to Niall. He's not the type to snap. His expression softened as all eyes turned to him, including Tessa's. The table was quiet for a while, awkward.

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