Chapter 28

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The girls sat on a couch, watching as the boys got their hair done. Tessa giggled as Lou, the hair stylist, spun Zayn around in his chair and he made a ridiculous face at the girls. Dylan sat quietly, texting her twin and occasionally looking up.

"Hi." A little blonde girl places her small hands on Tessa lap. She was so short that only her head and shoulders were over Tessa's knees. Tessa grinned at the adorable little girl.

"Hello there." Tessa said as Dylan looked to the little girl. The little girl climbs onto her lap and just sits there, smiling.

"What's your name?" Tessa asks as she wraps her arms around the girls back to keep her from falling.

"Lux... I five." The little girl holds up four figures. Tessa smiles as she puts up the girls thumb.

"I'm Tessa. And this Dylan." Tessa smiles adoringly at the girl.

As Niall stairs into the mirror as Lou does his hair he can see Tessa in the corner. He smiles as lux climbs onto her lap.

"I reckon lux likes to talk." Niall grins. Still looking to the three girls on the couch through his mirror.

Lou smiles, "Sure does. You can't get that girl to stop talking unless you give her food. She's allot like you." She teases.

"Ay!" Niall jokingly acts like he's offended. Lou laughs.

"Looks like she really likes your girlfriend though." Lou smiles, knowing he's going to deny her being his girlfriend.

"Not my girlfriend. Yet." Niall says.

"Oh, so you have a plan?" Lou says as she trims the top of his quiff. Niall grins, he didn't have a 'plan' but he had ways. Ways that he wasn't sure of yet. "I bet if you just straight out asked her on a date she would say yeah." Lou says.

Niall sighs. There was no more time to go on an official date before they leave. "I wish we had time to go on an official date. Anyway I tried that before, she turned me down."

Lou frowns, she really did feel for these boys. With all they go through they don't have time to actually have a personal life with family and friends. She looked to Niall's face as he watched Tessa in the mirror, anyone with a brain could tell he loved her. He would make it work.

A few minutes before the boys went on Paul took the girls to their seats. They stood off to the side of the stage where the fans couldn't see them but the boys could. They had a clear view of the strange.

The crowd was loud, louder then anything Tessa had heard before. The statiam was larger then tessa had ever magined. The crowd souranded them, to her it looked like bilions of fans. They all jumped around eccitedly as they screamed and held up signs with messages for the boys. But then it happened, Liam walked on the strange. The fans got incredibly louder with their screams. The other boys fallowed shortly behind him, causing the fans to get even louder. They started off by saying how happy they were to be there and how much they loved their fans. Each boy said something, causing the fans to scream each time. Tessa thought she was going to have a massive head ache by the time it was over. But then they started singing.

Zayn's voice soothed her head, also soothing the screams alittle. Tessa smiled, noticing dylan singing along to the song.

She been my queen
Since we were sixteen
We want the same things,
We dream the same dreams,
Alright (alright)

I got it all
'cause she is the one
Her mom calls me 'love',
Her dad calls me 'son',
Alright (alright)

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