Chapter 35

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It had been just about two weeks since Tessa had seen Niall's face. He was way too busy to Skype and he hardly had time to call her. Yet he made time by staying up later. Which also caused him some trouble.

Tessa sighed, tilting her shampaign glass ever so lightly. The only time she even drank was on special occasions like wedding. Today just so happened to be one of those days. She slipped out of her high heeled shoes and propped her feet up on the chair next to her.

She knew she was supposed to be happy for the newly married couple, especially because they were her uncle and now aunt. But Tessa wasn't in the mods at all, and after just a few glasses of shampaign she was feeling just a tad but tipsy. Means she hardly ever drank, she was quite the lightweight.

Tessa was excited about this day even more when she was told the boys would be here. That was about a week ago she was promised Niall would be here. Yet, now as she sits at an empty table in an almost empty ballroom, she was all alone.

The boys were too busy, not even Simon could get them a break from their overwhelming tour. Once again, all the boys got was New Year's Eve with their family's. They were set to leave first thing New Year's Day again.

Her brides maid dress was a peach color, going all the way down to just about her ankles. Her dark brown curly hair was up in an elegant messy bun, her make up was light but beautiful. She sighed, yet again at her loneliness.

The music was loud as people danced at a fast pace. Tessa watched as the newly weds walked around greeting people. Lauren's smile was so bright it made the sun look dim, Simons laugh was so loud it made Louis seem quite. Tessa wanted this someday.

Tessa may be a twenty year old woman. She may not be one to 'dream big'. She may not like to dance and have fun like Eleanor was at the moment. Yet, she was still a girl. She had her dreams about her wedding day, in fact that was the very thing on her mind as she watched Simons hold on his new bride tighten.

As Tessa downed yet another class of white wine she felt the presence of a few other people at the table. Five to be exact. Tessa looked up from her glass, still holding it in her hand.

"Thought you guys weren't coming." Tessa said. Due to it being three in the morning and the small amount of alcohol running through her vanes, Tessa didn't act shocked at all.

Tessa was right about her aunt and uncle. They were weird, corny, strange, cheesy and all of the above. The did, in deed, get married right on twelve New Years morning. Tessa was beyond worn out.

"No 'ay nice to see you?' Or 'I missed you guys' or 'OH EM GEE!' Or maybe 'Oh my god, Niall'." Louis says, pratically and moaned the 'Niall'.

Tessa rolls her eyes, refraining from just closing them in fear that she might not reopen them. She looked around the table, removing her legs from the chair to her right. Zayn took the now freed chair as Tessa looked to her left.

Niall was wearing a black suit. All the boys were dressed alike, but all Tessa noticed was Niall. After about a month with out being anywhere near him, she imagined lacing her fingers behind his neck and pulling his face to her in a very heated kiss. She didn't.

Tessa looked back to Louis. "Well, could up and take him on the table." Tessa said, causing Niall to blush fiercely and Louis to laugh loudly. The other three boys sat there, awkwardly. "I highly doubt that would be appropriate though." Tessa says innocently as she looks back down to her empty shampaign glass.

"I think she's drunk, mate." Zayn says, looking right at Tessa's face.

"Tipsy." Tessa corrects, looking to Niall and grinning as she remembers Niall correcting her for the same reason.

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