Chapter 51

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Tessa held Niall's pale face between her hands, her lips moving against his in a slow pace. They sat next to each other on her bed, Tessa's torso turned sideways during the make out session. She tried to refrain from climbing on top of him, she knew if she did that she wouldn't be able to control herself. So she pulled away, unable to control the fire in her lower stomach. She still held his face, her forehead touching his as their breaths mixed. She smiled dreamingly, mouth parted as she watched his crystal eyes dance between both her brown eyes.

"I need to take a shower." She whispered, sighing slightly.

"You want me to join you?" Niall flirted. Tessa sighed, knowing him enough to know he wasn't serious.

"Yeah, I do. But you're not serious." She states. She pulled away, moving into a kneeling position next to him, starring him in the eye. "Please?" She begged, her left hand raising to touch his cheek bone. The cold metal of the ring in her finger was evident to him, causing him to smile. She was official claimed by him to marry.

"Just a few more months." He grins, knowing its driving her crazy that she can't have him.

Tessa's hand drops. When begging didn't work she tried pouting. Her bottom lip sticking out and her eyes going big and round, her head tilted down so a lock of hair fell into her eye and she looked though her eyelashes. "Please?" Her voice was small, almost a whimper.

Niall wanted to take a picture, to have that sight in his wallet for the rest of his life. He reached into his pocket, slowly and pulled out his phone. He quickly snapped the picture right before her expression became confused. "I'm keeping that." He states, staring at the picture. Tessa rolls her eyes, noticing she was getting no where.

"Niall, we're engaged, isn't that enough?" She watched as he still smiled at the picture, acting like he hasn't heard a thing she said. Tessa growled, throwing her hands up just to have them plummet back to the bed. "I'm in love with you. Why isn't that enough?" This time he looked up from his phone, rolling his eyes with an amused expression. "Do you not have a dick?" She smirks at her own question.

"Not funny." Niall rolls his eyes.

Tessa stared at him, thinking. "Alright, you give me no choice." She smirked, climbing onto his lap and straddling him. Her eyes locked with his as she grabbed his phone, placing it on the unused side of the bed. "Make love to me." Her voice was sturdy, face stern as she stared at him.

Niall's eyes closed for a moment, trying to control himself. He couldn't help but love how she said 'make love' instead of her usual name for it when she did it with other people. His eyes opened, his face just about as stern as hers. That is, until she started grinding slowly against him. "Tess, stop." His hands going to her hips, holding them still.

She smirked, watching his arousal. "Why? You going to touch yourself like those Skype calls we used to have?" She had no filter at the moment, she wanted him too bad. She watched as his eyes closed again, cheeks becoming flushed.

"Tess, please." His eyes opened to show her how much it 'wasn't' affecting him.

Tessa smirked again, trying to control herself not to start humping him. "Oh Niall." She moaned, trying to turn him on even more. "Fine." Her hands go to the buttons on her blouse. Her eyes moved from her own shirt to his eyes that were glued to her. She smirked, unbuttoning the shirt slowly until it was open completely. She leaned closer to him, pressing her chest against his and latching her teeth onto his earlobe. "Touch me." She whispered then started sucking on his earlobe.

"Teresa, I'm begging you. Stop." His words were all but stern. The last word coming out as a moan.

Tessa backed away from him. "You did not just call me that."

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