Chapter 52

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It was the day.

Tessa hadn't seen Niall for a few days now, apparently it was bad luck to see the groom the night before the wedding. She looked at herself in the mirror, the long gorgeous dress was tight around her chest and stomach, with thousands of bead like crystals. The dress only covered one shoulder, looping under her left arm. It started flowing at the waist, all the way to the ground. Her hair was in loose curls, in a half up do that she had gotten Lou to do, The boys stylist. Her and Lou had become close friends over the few years now.

She imagined her mother in the mirror next to her. How she wished her mother was there for this moment. She was the only one in the small room of the church, she wanted a moment alone. She was nervous, but not as nervous as a girl would normally be at this moment.

Niall, on the other hand, was freaking out. His fingers rapidly went though his quiff, trying to get it absolutely perfect.

"Dude, come down. Your hair looks great, I did it after all." Lou jokes, little Lux sitting on her lap watching the mad man.

"Yeah, that's why I'm worried." Niall says, jokingly. Yet he couldn't find it in him to smile at the joke. He was way to nervous.

"Mate, would you come down. You've only been looking forward to this moment for like two years now. What could go wrong?" Liam says, regretting asking the last part.

Niall chuckles at the agonizing question. "What could go wrong." He spits. "Thanks, now I'm jinxed."

"Seriously," Louis starts, causing the boys to all think 'oh no'. "What's the worst that could happen? You walk out there, trip in the isle, land on your face and your life is over?"

"Could've stop at... Well 'seriously'." Harry comments.

Niall sits down, his hands rubbing his face harshly. He honestly felt like running. Running from the church and never returning. It wasn't that he didn't love her, because he loved her more then anything. But the thought of family and friends and paps and just people in general watching him as he seals his single life away, terrified him. Then, as he thought of Tessa walking down the isle in a dress he hasn't even seen yet, to marry him and spend the rest of her life with him, was enough to keep him from freaking out too much.

"Do you need a tissue?" Harry jokes as they all watch Niall as he sits in silence.

"And a box of tampons to complete your transformation into a pussy?" Louis asks seriously as he places a hand on Niall's shoulder.

"I would hold on to those tampons Louis, you're about to need them in a minute to stop your nose from bleeding." Niall threats, half jokingly.

"Wow, he is freaked out." Zayn says.

"Threatening violence is a new thing for him." Liam says, raising an eyebrow at his expressly freak out friend.

"How did you feel when you and El got hitched?" Niall asked Louis, remembering back to a few months ago.

"Terrified, but it's not that bad once you see her walking down the isle. Not to mention after the wedding the sex is awesome." Louis grins, remembering the night.

"Yeah mate, married sex is awesome.' Zayn says, talking of his wedding night three months prier to Louis'. Three boy banders getting hitched in the time spand of two years. Thier fans, the ones that weren't having a mental melt down and murdering fest, were happy for their idols.

Niall grinned, hardly able to wait. He almost didn't. The night before last, when he and Tessa were saying good bye for a few days, he had almost let her have her way. Yet, once again he had stopped himself, even though it was after she had blown him. But he still managed to stop before things got too out of hand.

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