Chapter 46

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Tessa laid on the couch with her head in her uncles lap. It had to be around midnight, everyone else was asleep, but Simon wanted to spend some time with his niece before he left for his short trip.

Tessa was struggling to watch the movie, the ring that switched jeans when she did, was burning a hole in her pocket once again. She bite her lip, looking up to her uncle to make sure he was still awake. She looked back to the TV after seeing he was, indeed, awake. "Lance asked me to marry him." The words left her mouth in a smooth tone, showing no worry of his reaction. Although on the in side, she was screaming and running around like a chicken without a head.

"He did?" Simon tried to hide the surprise in his voice. He continued to stare at the TV, as did she. "When?"

Tessa gulped, thinking she probably shouldn't have waited so long to tell him. "A few weeks ago."

"And... What did you say?"

"I said yes."

"Oh." Simon didn't know what to say. He felt like he should congratulate her, but her tone didn't seem too thrilled. "Why don't you seem excited?"

Tessa shrugged, still starring at the TV but not paying attention to it one bit. "I guess I am... It just doesn't feel like I thought it would."

"How did you expect it to feel?" Simon asked, glancing down at his nieces face then back to the TV, also not caring about the movie at the moment.

Tessa shrugged again, sighing. "I just... I still don't remember half my life. What if I suddenly got my memory back then don't feel the same way about him..."

Simon didn't say anything for a moment. He couldn't very well tell her it wouldn't change anything, because he knew it would. He thought if she remembered it was obvious she would go back to Niall. Simon saw how crazy they once were about each other. "Do you love him?" Simon asks, referring to Lance.

"Of course I do." Tessa didn't even hesitate to answer. Because she did.

Simon didn't say anything for a moment. He didn't know what to say. "I can't make your choice for you. You should do whatever you think is best." Simon leaned down, kissing her forehead. "Now I should go get some sleep."

The next day Tessa laid in bed. Her cat slept soundly on her stomach as she pet it's fluffy white fur. She watched its sleeping face as her thoughts were far away.

A low sounding tap came from the door at the top of the stairs. "Can I come down?" Niall's voice was soft spoken.

"Would 'No' stop you?" Tessa asks, really not wanting to deal with him.

"No, not really." Niall appears halfway down the stairs already.

Tessa sits up, her back against the head board of the bed with the cat on her lap. She suddenly becomes well aware of how short her pj shorts are as Niall sits on the bed next to her. They both sit in silence, with nothing but the cats purr in the room.

Suddenly Tessa chuckles, noticing Niall's bear feet. "You have strangely shaped toes."

Niall laughs a laugh that rings in Tessa's mind long after it left. There was something so familiar about it, she wanted to hear it again. "You used to always say that."

"I did?" Tessa asked, not remembering that being said in the few weeks they were only best friends. Niall's smile drops, reminding him she only saw him as her ex best friend not ex boyfriend.

"She's grown quite a bit." Niall states, his hand going to the cat on Tessa's lap. "Have you named her yet?"

"Yeah. Well no... I call her kitty." Tessa chuckles, embarrassed because of the lack of name. Yet she liked the name kitty.

"I like kitty." Niall said, glancing up to Tessa's face as his hand still pet the cat.

"Why did you ignore me." As the words leave Tessa's mouth the air around them suddenly becomes thick with tension.

Niall's exhale was heard clearly in the almost silent room. "Well that had almost nothing to do with kitty."

He was trying to get her to crack a smile but he got nothing. Tessa continued to stare down at the cat on her lap. She said nothing more.

"Okay... Truth is, I left because I was jealous. I couldn't stand watching you and Lance. Before the accident, you and I weren't best friends. We were dating." Niall vented, suddenly a weight was taken off his chest.

Tessa stared at the sleeping animal on her lap. It was a couple minuets before it all sank in. Tension quickly turned to awkwardness for Tessa. "Why didn't... Why didn't you just find a new girl? You totally ignored me and you didn't even find someone else. You make no sense at all."

The room was quiet. Niall didn't want to freak her out too much by telling her he was in love with her and still is. That he wouldn't find another girl for him. There was none.

"So why did you come back?" Tessa asked, still slightly agitated.

Niall stared forward, at the little window at the top of the wall where you could see flowers growing. Light shown through the little window onto a spot on the floor. "I didn't want you to hate me."

"How's that working for ya." Tessa's voice was low as she stood to her feet after putting the cat down, causing Niall to hurt more then he thought possible.

"Tessa." Niall stood to his feet, walking slowly toward her as she stopped in her tracks. "You were happy with Lance, you didn't need me. If I stayed I may have done something stupid and ruined it. I'm a jealous idiot, I know. I couldn't stand it, I was in love with you and I had to act like your best friend. I couldn't stand it any longer so I had to leave. It hurt me more then it hurt you. I was in love with you and you forgot all about me. I know it's not you fought, but I still love you."

By this time Tessa had turned around, facing him. Her mouth was slightly parted. All this time she blamed him, now she blamed herself. She stared at him, her eyes stinging. Suddenly Niall was right in front of her, surprising not only her but himself as he grabbed her face. Without another thought he pressed his lips against her, giving in.

He moved his lips against her stiff ones at a fast pace. His mind was racing, not letting him think about what he was actually doing. Suddenly he pulled away, eyes wide.

Tessa's mind was all over the place too. Her mind went to the first time she kissed him, that day he was leaving for tour. When he pulled away she was just starting to remember something else. Her eyes opened, to see his shocked wide blue orbs. She surprised the both of them farther by grabbing the collar of his blue polo shirt and pulling his face down to hers. Her lips molded with his, forgetting about everything but the relationship they once had.

Her hands went to the back of his neck where his hair stopped. Suddenly she pushed him harder then she thought possible away from her. Her eyes wide, gasping for air after having a heated make out session. She didn't understanding anything. "I'm engaged!" She suddenly shouts, more for her own sake then his. Yet, Niall's mind stopped. Tessa freaked out, pushing past him and running up the stairs.

She almost ran into her aunt on the way to the downstairs hallway bathroom. She locked the door, breathing heavily for a few moments. She slid down the wall to the floor, holding her head against her bent knees. Her mind was racing, her thoughts going to things she didn't even know where in her memory. She smiled, remembering the night her and Niall got locked on top of the hotel. It was totally cliche. She started laughing to herself when she remembered Accidentally hitting Niall with a gulf club right where it hurts most. Then the tears came as she remembered those terrible nights of her parents deaths. Her tears didn't stop there.

"Tessa please open the door." Niall's voice came through the bathroom door. She hadn't even heard his knocking until now.

She didn't reply at all, she wiped her face, trying to forget the memories that she once wished so very much to remember. She was fine with her new life, now she didn't know anything anymore. The way she kissed Niall completely changed the way she looked at Lance. She started sobbing.

She wanted her uncle. But she vaguely remembered he was out of town at the moment, for a few days. Tears started falling again when she noticed she had ruined their honeymoon. She needed her uncle more then ever at the moment. She was so confused.

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