Chapter 11

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The last six days Tessa and the boys pretty much didn't leave each others company. Tessa was finally happy. She loved hanging out with the boys. Even though she always gets this feeling that she shouldn't be getting close to them. In about a week they will leave. They will leave her all alone again.

Tessa hasn't gotten any texts or calls from Luke, she guess that he's really in jail. For all she knows he could be in there for a while. Knowing Luke he probably beat up the policeman or something. She tried not to think about.

Tessa looks in the mirror at her brown hair. She sighs then runs her fingers through the softness of it. She really does hate the black and red hair but she can't help but wear it. She looks away from the mirror, wishing the memories would just stop. She strips out of her PJ shirt and sweat pants, looking for something to wear for the day.

Niall walks down the stairs quietly, in hopes of scaring Tessa. The boys had dared him to. He stops walking a couple feet away from the steps. He freezes as his eyes meet the back of Tessa, in only her underclothes. She faces away from him, going through what looks to be a basket of freshly washed cloths. Niall can't help but noticed her red lace underwear and bra. He feels like a pervert at the moment but he doesn't know what to do.

Tessa turns around with a shirt out in front of her, looking at it. Her eyes dart to the movement in front of her. Her mouth slightly opens, not knowing what to say. Then she looks down to her half naked self.

Tessa's used to being half naked in front of people. As bad as that sounds, she hates to admit it. She looks back up to Niall and her eyes lock with his. His lips slightly parted. Her hand dropped to her side with the shirt in it.

"Um..." Niall tries to think of something to say, but as his eyes focus on her golden brown eyes he can't seem to focus on anything. He swallows hard, trying to get the courage to move.

"Yeah." Tessa smiles as she snaps out of her trance. She pulls the shirt over her head quickly then walks to her dresser.

Niall looks around the room, unsure of what to do. He notices the poster over her bed and the drawings. The posters are of old rock bands. But the drawings, he's never noticed them before. She draws supper heroes. Spider-Man, batman, hulk. He walks over to her night stand, it holds a book. He skims through it, seeing different drawings. He smiles when he comes across one of a person. It looked realistic, not like the action figures. And it wasn't just a person. It was him.

"Please don't touch that!" Tessa says quickly, grabbing the book from his hands and shutting it. Niall jumps at her sudden out burst.

"Uh... Sorry." He says, noticing her now clothed body. She wears her usual black tight fitting skinny jeans and a dark gray shirt. She also wears a dog tag neckless. Niall doesn't notice what it says on it.

Tessa bites her lip as she sets the book back down. She can't help but notices how close she jumped to him when she saw him looking at the book. Her arm brushes his as she looks back to him.

"Um... So... What are you doing down here?" Tessa asked, backing away slightly.

"Uh..." He looks down to the ground, rubbing the back of his neck. "The boys really want you to swim with them... Us. We want you to swim with us." He says awkwardly. He tried not to show how much he wished she would swim with them, for reasons only a guy would understand.

Tessa smiles as she notices him blushing. "I can't." She says, biting her lip. Nialls eyes scan her black and red hair.

His eyes travel to her face. The way she bites her lip, nervous. The way her eyes seem to glow in the dark basement. Her skin is pale, but beautiful. The black outline of her eyes is beautiful, even though he thinks she would be more beautiful without it. In fact he knows, since he's seen her without it.

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